Welcome to the 

Fascinating World of 

Primary Care Research

Are you a part of a GP practice looking to start your journey in research and in need of guidance? 

If the answer is yes, then look no further. Our dedicated LEH primary and community care research team (Luton, Essex, and Herts Valley) is here to offer the assistance you're seeking. We're excited to introduce you to the world of research activities and expertly guide you through the entire process. 

You might be wondering, is there any financial incentive for your participation?

Absolutely! By actively engaging in research, not only do you contribute to the advancement of knowledge, but you also have the chance to bolster your practice's financial resources. Payments received from research participation can be used to cover research costs, support services, and more, thereby enabling you to further refine your expertise in this field. For a comprehensive understanding of the financial aspects, please click on the following LINK.

Are you curious about how to kick-start your research journey?

The process is refreshingly straightforward. Just fill out the enclosed FORM or send us an email via our LEH mailbox using the provided link: mse.lehprimarycareresearch@nhs.net

What comes next, you ask?

Our capable team members will promptly get in touch, seeking additional details about your GP practice, location, patient population, and your primary point of contact. This seamless communication will occur via email.

Are you wondering how we keep you in the loop?

When we have a new study we will circulate a study summary, which can help you decide whether study is suitable for your practice. You will also receive our monthly study bulletin showing all our current and upcoming studies. To access our latest study bulletin, simply follow this LINK.

Are you intrigued by the prospect of participating in one of our studies?

A swift response to any of our emails, expressing your interest, is all it takes to set the wheels in motion. Our experienced team is ready to provide guidance every step of the way, ensuring a smooth and rewarding journey.

Exciting prospects await you through our RSI scheme.

The National Institute of Health and Care Research (NIHR) Clinical Research Network North Thames (CRN NT) is your steadfast support system, helping primary care organizations achieve their research ambitions. One of our key initiatives in Luton, Essex, and Herts Valley is the Research Site Initiative (RSI) Scheme.

To join this exciting venture, all you need to do is submit the completed (RSI application form). Rest assured; the application process is straightforward. Your application will undergo a thorough review, and upon acceptance, you will receive a Letter of Acceptance (LOA).

This LOA will require your signature, signaling your commitment to the venture. Once signed, simply send it back to us. The document will then be countersigned by our CRN research delivery manager, and a copy will be securely stored in our records. Upon signing up, you become eligible for an incentive of £1000 to be paid at Q1 or £500 at Q2 depending on when you are joining the scheme. Your journey begins at the foundation level, with avenues for progression to the advanced stage. For further insights, please click on the provided LINK.

For your convenience, we've curated a collection of useful links to propel your research initiation:

1. If you're new to research and curious about studies that suit you, discover answers HERE.

2. On the hunt for study recommendations? HERE.

Embark on this journey with enthusiasm and purpose. Your pursuit of knowledge and contributions to research hold immeasurable value.