Research Site Initiative Scheme (RSI)

Research is a core component of the NHS and a key driving force in generating the evidence to achieve improvements in the design and delivery of services to improve patient outcomes. 

The National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Clinical Research Network North Thames (CRN NT) are here to support primary care organisations in meeting this ambition; providing assistance to engage in primary care research. One of the key ways we achieve this in Luton, Essex and Herts Valley is through our Research Site Initiative (RSI) Scheme. 

Organisations are able to apply for different levels of funding appropriate to their research activity, track record and ability to host NIHR portfolio studies. 

Foundation Level - Support Funding of £1000

Open to all NHS primary care services who are new to research and/or would like to develop their research infrastructure. Practices will agree to recruit to a number of studies to gain 200 RSI points within the 12-month contract period as well as complete other activities set out in the contract table. 

Intermediate Level - Support Funding of £2000

Open to all NHS primary care services that fully deliver on all the objectives of the foundation RSI level and would like to continue to develop their research infrastructure. Practices will agree to recruit to a number of studies to gain 500 RSI points within the 12-month contract period as well as completing other activities set out in the contract table. 

Advanced Level - Support Funding of £5000

Open to all NHS primary care health based services that have an established research infrastructure and fully delivered on all objectices of the intermedia RSI level. Practices should have a strong track record in undertaking and successfully recruiting to several clinical studies per year. Practices will agree to recruit to a number of studies to gain 1000 RSI points within the 12-month contract period as well as complete other activities set out in the contract table. 

How to Join the RSI Scheme

For any further questions regarding the RSI scheme, please email

Click HERE for the complete RSI criteria.