Genes & Health 


Selected Practices Only!

High population of Bangladeshi and Pakistani. Please contact the LEH team if you are interested in taking part.

South Asian people have some of the highest rates of heart disease, diabetes, and poor health in the UK. Living with a long-term illness has a major impact on a person's quality of life and on their family. Genes & Health is a medical research study set up to help fight against these and other major diseases. The aims of the study are to study: 

For more information please click HERE for the full summary. 

Sponsor - Queen Mary, University of London

Recruitment End Date - 31/07/2024 

Type of Study - Recruiting

RSI Points - 300

Selected Practices Only!

Practice Involvement

Genes & Health is a recruiting study where recruiting activities are all done by CRN staff, practice is required to complete PIC activity only:

Eligibility Criteria

