Chinnu Priyason: Shape the Future

My Role in Research

My day-to-day responsibilities are diverse and fascinating. I'm the point of contact for 7 practices in the Luton, Essex abd herts reigion. I co-oridinate and manage the flow of research activities. I also have a pivitoal role in consenting pateints, ensuring that they understand amd take part in our studies with full knowledge. Additionally, I help my team with setting up new studies and ensuring their smooth delivery. 

I am truly motivated to contribute to the development of healthcare practices and shape the future of healthcare. 

Fitting the Role Around Me

This is a role I've aspired to do for six years. It's a dream come true. But dreams often come with challenges and my journey was no exception. 

I relocated from India to England, a new nurse in a new country. In my previous role, I worked three days a week with night and weekend allowanced which boosted my salary. But as I transitioned to this new role, I had to work five days a week with no allowances, resulting in a reduction in my income. 

My husband and I both work full-time and we have a lively two-year-old at home. Balancing houshold chores and a five-day workweek was a challenege. It was a struggle to find a nursery close by and I was worried about the cose, given that my pay was less that what I earned before. 

It was a daunting task, but I didn't give ip. I reached out to my senior manager even before my start date, and she offered me a four-day workweek, where I would start at 7am and finish at 5pm. It was a great help. My husband also adjusted his work schedule to support me on the remaining workdays. 

We also faced nursery avalibility issues, making school runs a daily challenege. After discussing with my senior manager, I went through the trust's intranet to check on the flexible working policy and submitted a flexible working request. I was allowed to work from home one day a week. This flexibility made a significant difference in managing our work-life balance. 

Advice for Others

Remeber it is OK to ask for help. It's crucial to be honset about your situation and seek genuine help, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone. Things change in life and challenges may seem overwhelming at times, but don't worry about the present. Instead, embrace change, overcome obstacles and continue to chase your dreams. 

Remember the power of determination, the importance of unwavering support and the art of achieving work-life balance. My mum always says: "Where there is a will there is a way". 

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