Cluster C 

Cluster Team Overview

Please use the following links for accessible versions of the information presented in the drawings below:

National Specialty Group Meeting Dates

Specialty Cluster C NSG Meeting Dates (site linked)

National Specialty Group Meeting Papers

Please click on the hyperlinks below to access the folders with agendas and minutes for the respective specialty.

Areas of Innovation in Research

Cluster C of the NIHR CRN, which is a cluster of clinical specialties based in Kings College, has been leading on this new initiative as part of its Emerging Technology and Innovation (ETI) activity. 

Three key workstreams have been identified and stakeholders in each workstream have been approached. The NIHR CRN has worked in collaboration with the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) and its joint Genomics Champions on this part of the project.  The three workstreams are; Informatics, Family History and Phenotyping , Operationalising Genomics Research  and  Developing the Genomics workforce. 

Cross NIHR Initiatives

Building on the successes of the Imaging project (former Cluster C Area of Innovation in Research project), the NIHR Imaging Group has been established to accelerate the development, evaluation and clinical translation of novel imaging science across the Network. Programs of work also include workforce capacity building.

NIHR Enabling Research in Care Homes (ENRICH) is a collaboration between the NIHR School for Social Care Research (SSCR), who manage the ENRICH website, and the NIHR CRN ENRICH Care Home Network. Cluster C supports the national coordination of ENRICH and care home research across the Network.

Specialty Projects and Initiatives

Primary Care

Find out more about how Cluster C is leading on the strategic development of the Primary Specialty. Projects and collaboration include IT Solutions for Primary Care Research Delivery, Primary Care Strategy, supporting early career research for First5 GPs and collaborative work with the HRA and R&D Forum.

Social Care

Find out more about how Cluster C are paving the way for successful delivery of the Social Care portfolio. Projects and initiatives include Pump Priming the Network for Social Care, NIHR ENRICH as well as workforce development, information and knowledge and communications focused projects.

Health Services Research

Health services research is critical for an NHS that is effective, efficient and centred on patient need. Led by Prof Pete Bower (HSR NSL) Cluster C have supported the development of a toolkit for researchers and NHS research management.  This toolkit is designed to bring together ideas, guidance and support together in one place, to help you deliver the high quality health services research that the NHS and health and social care settings needs.

Public Health

Find out more about how Cluster C are supporting initiatives capacity build an ultimately improve the delivery of the Public Health portfolio. Projects and initiatives include LCRN research support posts embedded in local authorities and protected research time for Directors of Public Health / Consultants in Public Health, as well as workforce development, information and knowledge and communications focused projects.

Supporting Those New to Research

Cluster C lead or support a number of initiatives designed to engage or provide formal training to clinicians, nurses and AHPs who are new to research These include:

Specialty Champions

Several of our national specialties have developed Champion roles to help drive portfolio development nationally and within each LCRN. Our Cluster provides national support to Champions in the following areas:

Working with Industry

Each of our Specialties has a dedicated National Specialty Lead for Industry. We also host specialty industry networking days and lead on or support national improvement projects aimed at improving the delivery of specialty commercial research. In addition our Dermatology specialty regularly has industry speakers presenting at the national specialty group meetings.