Supporting Primary Care Research Delivery

NSL for Primary Care

Dr. Simon Royal

Dr Simon Royal is the NIHR CRN National Specialty Lead for Primary Care. Dr Royal graduated from Nottingham in 1994 and qualified as a GP in 1999. He completed a Masters in Public Health in Leeds and then worked as an associate academic in the Division of Primary care at the University of Nottingham until 2005. Since then he has been employed as a salaried GP and Research Lead at the University of Nottingham Health Service. He has a research interest in vaccinology and mental health.

Innovation in Primary Care Research

Improving Primary Care Research Delivery

CRN Primary Care Strategy

The Primary Care Strategy Development project was initiated due to the recognition that there was inadequate focus in the CRN as a whole on research capacity development in the Primary care setting, despite its potential in bringing research to where most patients and public receive health and care services. A paper was written proposing a CRN embedded strategy for Primary care which was approved by the CRN Executive Board on 8th September 2020.

Primary Care strategy 2021.pdf

The strategy focuses on where the most impact on patient and public opportunity and benefit from research can be made at any given point in time given the resources available, and is separated into four overarching themes with key objectives within them. Scope and vision has been carefully considered to ensure a balance between ambition and innovation, whilst also appreciating pressures within the NIHR CRN.

Primary Care Operational Plan- Overarching Slide set

Following completion of the strategy, the Primary Care Programme Board was established to oversee the Programme, and ensure that the strategy is delivered steadily and cohesively through a manageable range of  projects.

Phil Evans is Programme Chair and SRO, acting as visible owner of the changes being initiated as part of this programme. Morag Burton is Business Lead, providing senior strategic input to the CRN Primary Care Programme Board.

NIHR Learn Community

PC Community.mp4

This short clip provides an overview of 'Research and Quality Improvement Learning Community for Primary Care' resource on NIHR Learn, highlighting key benefits of the Community.

Two website has been developed by the Cluster C Office to support the promotion and delivery of CRN PRIDES. PRIDES is concerned with the development and sharing of Health Informatics to enhance research delivery in Primary Care setting.

Indemnity for GPs conducting research

Coming Soon!

The Role of Primary Care in Integrated healthy Systems report by the NHS Confederation sets out the views of our primary care members on the underpinning principles needed for strong primary care involvement at system and place.

CRN Primary Care work closely with a number of stakeholders including the NHS R&D Forum. There are a number of resources useful for primary care research delivery.

Primary Care Research in a Pandemic


Research Engagement Hub: An excellent online hub which showcases academic General Practice. This project is a collaboration of the RCGP and the NIHRSPC. 

Video from Royal College of General Practitioners discussing research during a pandemic.


This is a phase III UPH badged platform study run by the University of Oxford recruiting patients aged 50 to 64 with comorbidities and all adults over 65. 

Over 1000 participants from over 900 general practices have already been recruited. 

The aim of the study is to be the national Primary Care platform trial for UK COVID-19, assessing the effectiveness of trial treatments in reducing the need for hospital admission or death for patients with suspected COVID-19 infection aged ≥50 years with comorbidity, and aged ≥65 with or without comorbidity, and during time of prevalent COVID-19 infections in the context of current care delivery.  

In addition to recruiting in GP practices the study has engaged over 300 care homes with the support of the NIHR ENRICH Network. 

See the latest findings: Covid: Asthma drug 'speeds up recovery at home' - BBC News .  

Dementia Research in Primary Care Settings

Specialty Cluster C has joined forces with Specialty Cluster E and the National Join Dementia Research Office to sponsor a project for supporting the delivery of dementia studies in primary care. The overall aim of the project is to raise the profile of Dementia research within primary care settings. 


This work continues particularly around implementation of JDR into practices, gathering information about challenges and barriers to conducting dementia research in primary care settings and identifying pockets of good practice for recruitment into dementia studies, both industry and non-commercial.