Coordinated Approaches to Research and care Embedded (CARE) 

– tackling the separation of research and care in the NHS

This page supports the work of this collaborative group and enables sharing of non confidential information.

On the 8th October 2020 we held a meeting to bring together a number of national bodies who are funding clinical research or supporting work to embed research activity (the doing of research), in health and care.    

Despite great progress made in enabling 100% of NHS organisations to become research active and a renewed energy for research that has been supercharged by the pandemic, we believe there is still much work to do to enable research to happen across the system and to bring research into the everyday business of care.

Individual surveys undertaken by the NHS R&D Forum, Royal College of Physicians and the NIHR CRN have highlighted a persistent gap between the will of healthcare teams to contribute to research, and their perceived ability and capacity to do so. Subsequent recent timely reports from the ABPI and Academy of Medical Sciences have also called for action to address the needs of both our life science and clinical-academic sectors, now exacerbated by the challenge of pausing and restarting studies, which may affect our research resilience and capabilities for the future.

The purpose of this group meeting was to facilitate understanding between members and to support each other by sharing initiatives, issues, challenges and solutions and to agree how we would work together going forward. A separate policy collaborative workstream will now also be established alongside the original group.

Main messages from our initial meetings:

> There is an appetite to share and to align language where we can

> We will aim to support each other in our individual initiatives

> Patients should be offered any opportunities to take part in research as a matter of course during their care

> Increased capacity for research in care environments means that there is a wider range of health research on offer to patients aiming to improve care in a wider range of health conditions.

It was agreed to name the group CARE (Coordinated Approaches to Research and care Embedded) to emphasise that healthcare and health research are integral to each other.

For any queries don't hesitate to get in touch with the health and care engagement team: