Clusters & Specialties

Providing  leadership and strategic oversight to the CRN Specialties

One of the main remits of the Cluster Offices is to provide secretariat to the National Specialty Groups (NSGs). NSGs bring together Specialty Clinical Leadership across the Network. The Cluster Offices are also responsible for several large-scale projects and initiatives in Areas of Innovation.  Meet our Cluster Office Teams by clicking the buttons above.

The National Specialty Leads provide and coordinate clinical leadership and advice at a national level to maximise research activity, delivery and access to the NIHR portfolio studies in their specialty.

They maintain national oversight of the specialties’ portfolio and promote continued improvements in performance of the delivery of studies through the local Clinical Research Specialty Leads and the Research Delivery Managers based in the 15 Local Clinical Research Networks (LCRN).

In conjunction with the Medical Director, Cluster Leads, and LCRN Clinical Directors, they are key clinical academic ambassador for the NIHR CRN. In partnership with the Cluster Leads and the Business Development and Marketing Directorate of the CRN CC, they proactively develop effective relationships with decision makers in the public sector, charity and life-science funding organisations and companies (non-commercial, pharma, medtech, diagnostics and biotech) to further the aims of the NIHR CRN. With knowledge and experience of the full scope of the NIHR, they  ensure we are seen as an organisation that excels in the consistent delivery of high quality clinical research. Click the button above to find out who our National Specialty Leads are.

Decorative images show patient, reseracher and medical equipment

National Specialty Groups

Membership of the NSGs consists of a National Specialty Lead, Cluster Office Leadership and support staff, LCRN Specialty Leads, (equivalent from Devolved Nations) and Stakeholders from professional groups or charities. A patient representative or member of the group who has responsibility for PPIE. 

The purpose of the National Specialty Group meetings are to:

At a national level each NSG has appointed an NSG Industry Lead. This person is normally a LCRN CRSL who has particular interest and expertise in the development and delivery of their respective specialties commercial portfolio. 

In addition, some NSGs invite commercial companies to speak at NSG Meetings, have specialty Industry Days and do other engagement work with 

Alongside the CRNCC Business Development & Marketing Team, the Cluster Offices and National Specialty Groups work closely with key research charities. If you are looking to engage with a particular charity please visit the Business Development & Marketing REC Microsite