AI Frequently
Asked Questions

AI Frequently Asked Questions

Browse through the FAQ below to see some strategies for how you can approach teaching and learning in ways that circumvent or embrace AI tools like ChatGPT.

How do AI chatbots impact college-level writing?

Students can use AI chatbots to generate college-level essays.

Questions to consider:

How we can assess learning differently:

How we can incorporate the AI into teaching & learning:

How do AI chatbots impact out-of-class homework?

Students can use AI chatbots to do their homework for them.

Questions to consider:

How we can assess learning differently:

How we can incorporate the AI into teaching & learning:

How do AI chatbots impact quizzes and exams?

Students can use AI chatbots to cheat on many types of online quizzes and exam questions.

Question to consider:

How we can assess learning differently:

How we can incorporate the AI into teaching & learning:

How do AI chatbots impact online discussion boards?

Students can use AI chatbots to create authentic-sounding discussion responses.

Question to consider:

How we can assess learning differently:

How we can incorporate the AI into teaching & learning:

How can I create AI-proof assessments without using high-level Bloom's verbs?

Many course guides reply on verbs that are primarily of the lower domains, making AI-proof assessments more difficult.

Question to consider:

How we can assess learning differently:

How we can incorporate the AI into teaching & learning:

Will AI completely disrupt higher education?

AI will promote the transformation of higher education.

Question to consider:

How we can incorporate the AI into teaching & learning:

How we can incorporate the AI into teaching & learning:

Is AI blurring the lines of academic authorship?

AI can promote useful conversation about authorship, originality, and intellectual property.

Question to consider:

How we can assess learning differently:

How we can incorporate the AI into teaching & learning: