Week 13-14|10/30-11/10
Hi Parents,
I hope you and your loved ones have had a fun and restful weekend. Here is program update of Week 13- 14.
T1 Assessment and report card |第一学期测试和成绩报告单
We are concluding our T1 assessment and report cards will be sent home on November 16. These assessments are essential for teachers to understand our students' learning progress and can be used to adjust the instruction to better meet their needs. When needed, parents can create a positive and supportive atmosp that helps your child feel confident, motivated, and capable of handling the challenges of testing. Please ensure them to have a good night sleep and healthy and nutritious breakfast.
Halloween Parade |万圣节学生游行活动
Our students halloween parade is scheduled on 10/31. We will close the gates and clear campus at 8:15. The parade starts on 8:20. This will be broadcast on YouTube Live so that parents can watch it at home. Meanwhile, during the parade, there is another fun activity where students have an opportunity to throw water balloons at Mr. Puckett as the reward for the Jogathon fundraiser activity, which we raised $4,2000 this year.
我们的学生万圣节游行将于于10/31举行。校园将在8:15 清场。游行将在8:20开始。整个活动将通过YouTube直播,以便家长可以在家观看。与此同时,在游行期间,还有另一个有趣的活动,学生有机会向校长扔水球,作为我们今年筹集了4,200美元的Jogathon筹款活动的奖励。
TWDL Parent Committee Meeting #2 |家委会会议 #2
Our 2nd TWDL parent committee meeting will be held on 11/8 from 6:30-7:30. Mr. Puckett will join us and answer questions that parents might have. Here is the meeting information. Welcome everyone to join us.
我们第二次家委会会议将在11/8, 6:30-7:30 举行。 校长也会参加我们的会议并答疑。欢迎家长们加入我们。
Meeting ID
Phone Numbers
(US)+1 414-909-6161
PIN: 284 372 366#
24-25 Enrollment |24-25 学年招生
Our 24-25 enrollment has begun. Last week we had a successful initial parent orientation meeting. Click here for the interest form. Please assist us in sharing the information with interested families or friends. If they have any program related questions, please guide them to me.
我们24-25学年招生已经开始。上一周我们圆满结束了我们的第一次家长信息会。 如果您有朋友或认识的家庭对我们的项目感兴趣,请分享兴趣表。 填完兴趣表的家庭会收到下次开会的通知。
10/31 - Halloween parade. 8:15 am - 9:15 am. Students only|学生万圣节游行
11/10 - Veteran's Day |老兵节
11/20 - 11/24 - Thanksgiving Break |感恩节假期
October Cafeteria Menu |十月份午餐菜单
Mid-autumn Festival Celebration Video