emeline Carpenter Elementary

Emeline Carpenter Elementary will be at a new location when school begins Aug. 22, 2022. The new campus is located at 5209 SE Stallings Drive, across from McMichael Middle School. The new campus, for grades kindergarten through fifth, was the linchpin of the 2018 bond package overwhelmingly approved by voters. The new campus sits on roughly 25 acres of land obtained by the district. The campus will have access from Stallings Drive for buses, while parents can enter the parking lot from a drive on East Main Street near the loop.

It's finished!!! Emeline carpenter holds ribbon cutting

May 31, 2022

More than 200 people attended the May 31 ribbon cutting and grand opening of the new Emeline Carpenter Elementary School on SE Stallings Drive. The new campus was open for tours between 10 a.m. and noon, and a ceremony and ribbon cutting took place at 11 a.m.

Nacogdoches County Chamber of Commerce organized the ribbon cutting that took place in front of the new school.

During the ceremony held inside, the Rev. James Ervin, President of the NISD Board of Trustees, Carpenter Principal Lynsey McAninch and Mayor Jimmy Mize all addressed the crowd on hand. Superintendent Dr. Gabriel Trujillo introduced Alton Frailey, who was interim superintendent in 2018 when the bond election was approved by NISD voters.

The campus will be ready for students when the 2022-23 academic year begins Aug. 22.

emeline carpenter update

February 11, 2022

Construction on the new Emeline Carpenter Elementary is nearing completion. The campus will be ready for students beginning with the 2022-23 academic year. The new campus is located along SE Stallings Drive across from the existing McMichael Middle School.

emeline carpenter update

October 20, 2021

More emeline carpenter work moving inside

July 15, 2021

Update for emeline carpenter

April 20, 2021

The photos taken on April 20, 2021, are from the back of the Emeline Carpenter campus, providing a rear view of the new school. Visible are classrooms as well as the school's media center and library.

Entire Carpenter walls are up as campus makes progress

April 1, 2021

The expansive new Emeline Carpenter campus is beginning to take shape at all corners, both on the exterior and inside where electrical wiring is being run through framed walls. At the north end, where older elementary students will attend classes on two floors, work on the second floor is progressing. On the other end of the building, the school's large dining hall and stage are coming into view.

Work proceeds at carpenter, most walls are now going up

Jan. 29, 2021

The entire footprint of the new Elemeline Carpenter Elementary is now visible along SE Stallings Dr., across from McMichael Middle School. More driveway has been poured at the location, including much of the main parking lot located along the south side of the site. On the northside, where students attending grades 3-5 will be located, framing of upstairs classrooms is progressing. Along the south side of the building, brick is going up on the exterior while crews continue to work inside on the large interior cafeteria and stage area.

More cement poured, more steel up at Carpenter

Dec. 4, 2020

Construction of the new Emeline Carpenter Elementary campus along SE Stallings Drive continues to progress. The foundation has been completed and steel is going up across the entire campus. There's more driveway yet to be poured on the south end of the project site, and workers were putting rebar in place ahead of the next cement delivery.

Views from the second floor of new carpenter campus

Oct. 23, 2020

At Emeline Carpenter Elementary, views from the second floor show the design of the main entrance as well as the area when the school's main offices will be located. Looking the other direction, the main cafeteria is visible, along with the area where the stage will be constructed, as well as the kitchens for the campus.

In the background of the photo at right, yellow scaffolding is visible where new walls for classrooms will soon be going up. The walls will be reinforced with steel for additional protection from severe weather and will serve as a "safe area" for the campus.

The front office and main entrance of the new campus is visible, top and below, left and right.

The campus cafeteria is visible, as well as the main area for the school's kitchen.

A stage will be located at this end of the cafeteria. The size and scale of the main cafeteria can be seen by the comparable height of workers and tools.

Carpenter school building begins to take shape

Oct. 15, 2020

The new Emeline Carpenter Elementary School is beginning to take shape as steel work proceeds at the site. Interior walls are starting to go up on the south of the campus, and the angled front of the building, where the main campus entrance will be located, can now be seen. The final cement pour at the location is scheduled for the week of Oct. 19.

Work continues to move forward on new carpenter

Sept. 18, 2020

Steel work is progressing at the site for the new Emeline Carpenter Elementary School along SE Stallings Drive across from McMichael Middle School.

More cement being poured at new carpenter

Sept. 2, 2020

More cement was poured this week at the site for the new Emeline Carpenter Elementary along SE Stallings Drive.

Steel's going up at new carpenter

August 20, 2020

The steel structure of the new Emeline Carpenter Elementary is going up at the construction site located on SE Stallings Drive across from McMichael Middle School. Workers began assembling the steel structure last week. Also at the site, much of the driveway connecting the campus to East Main Street has been poured as crews continue to make progress on the new campus.

More cement poured for drive into emeline Carpenter elementary campus.

July 30, 2020

Another cement pour took place at the new Emeline Carpenter Elementary School construction site during the early morning hours of Thursday, July 30, extending further the drive from East Main Street toward the campus. The drive will be used for parent access to the new elementary school.

More cement poured for foundation at new emeline carpenter elementary campus

July 23, 2020

The cement began flowing before 4 a.m. this morning at the building site of the new Emeline Carpenter Elementary School where crews were pouring another phase of the campus foundation. Twenty trucks were expected for the pour, which began well before sun up. Ralph LaRue, NISD Director of Facilities and Construction, was on hand and said later in the day everything had gone well at the site.

Work began earlier this year on the new campus. Crews have moved tons of dirt at the site, installing new drainage and creating a long driveway from East Main Street that will be used for parent access to the campus, once complete.

The building site is located on SE Stallings Drive, across from NISD's McMichael Middle School.

At the new Emeline Carpenter, crews continue work on the foundation of the campus.

July 16, 2020

Forms for pillars in front of the school were up on July 16, and more of the foundation was being prepared for a cement pour. Additionally, footing had been poured on the part of the foundation located on the north end of the campus.

The new school is being constructed along SE Stallings Drive across from McMichael Middle School.

The first cement pour for the entrance road along East Main Street was made the morning of July 16 for the new Emeline Carpenter Elementary. Crews were on hand at 4:30 a.m. for the first trucks that rolled in. The entrance road will be for parent pickup and drop-off at the new elementary campus.

first part of foundation poured at new carpenter site

June 18, 2020

One corner of the foundation has been poured at the construction site for the new Emeline Carpenter Elementary School that's going up along SE Stallings Drive across from McMichael Middle School. Meanwhile, work continues on the remainder of the building's foundation, including pouring more concrete forms as well as columns located along the front of the facility.

Dirt work continues to progress at both ends of the construction site. The drive that begins on E. Main Street can be seen as it comes down from the ridge that runs along the north end of the construction site.

All projects are funded by a $77.9 million bond approved by NISD voters in 2018.

MAIN ENTRANCE WORK at new carpenter site

June 4, 2020

The East Main entrance for the new Emeline Carpenter Elementary is visible along East Main Street near Stallings Drive. This drive will be used for parents to enter the property for pick-up and drop-off of students, while buses will access the campus from the Stallings Drive entrance across from McMichael Middle School.

Work progresses at Carpenter

May 7, 2020

Contractors continue with foundation work at the new Emeline Carpenter Elementary School along SE Stallings Drive across from McMichael Middle School. Meanwhile, across town near Nacogdoches High School, the district’s newly renovated and expanded transportation center moves closer to completion.

The work at the Carpenter site, which consists of forming up and pouring concrete for spread footers and wall footers, also includes installation of water and electrical infrastructure before the foundation is complete.

Work on the project is moving from the south end of the building site towards the north, said Ralph LaRue, NISD Director of Plant Services.

Excavation contractors are also at the Carpenter location and have completed a significant amount of the site preparation. The excavators are also finishing grading of the drive that will access the campus from East Main Street.

Roughly 100,000 cubic yards of dirt have been moved at the site, said LaRue.

Dirt work underway at new emeline carpenter site

February 28, 2020

Bulldozers and earthmovers are on location along SE Stallings Drive where the new Emeline Carpenter Elementary will be constructed.

On Tuesday, the construction team briefed members of the Citizen Bond Review Committee, or CBRC, on progress made so far on projects being funded by the 2018 bond proposal.

Architects from PBK, the firm responsible for designing the new Carpenter school as well as other projects that are part of the bond proposal, were on hand Tuesday. CBRC members also heard from Army Curtis, the Nacogdoches architect responsible for planning the expansion of the transportation center and renovation of the former Burke facility that is being converted for use as an administration building.

At the future Carpenter location, CBRC members were told, following delays related to acquiring land and providing the necessary construction documents for approval with the city, work is underway on site preparation. For now, Tyler-based construction manager WRL General Contractors will be conducting dirt work until all civil drawings have been approved and permits secured from City of Nacogdoches.

The delays have pushed back the expected substantial completion date to August 2021 for the new Carpenter Elementary.

The dirt-work phase of the project will require extensive preparation before any work is performed, said Rick Blan, an architect with PBK. “It’s like building a city underground.”

Plans adopted for new carpenter

NISD's Board of Trustees adoped final plans for Emeline Carpenter Elementary ************. The first- and second-floor plans can be seen below as well as the site footprint at the location along SE Stallings Drive across from McMichael Middle School.