Welcome Back 2019-2020

Updated, Sunday, August 25th, 2019 - HAVE To's are Ready!

If you have any questions about your schedule and contact Aaron or your building/department administrator!

This is the launch page for all that is needed to be known about the schedule, goals, and ideas that will help shape the 2019-2020 School Year! To see your schedule and important information, click on the role you play in the District above under "Schedules and Information." Please look through the site and watch the video!

"Working Together for the Success of All."

So that all students are career, college and life ready!

The Question!

If you have children or if you had children, would you send them to our District because you believe it is the best place for them to grow and achieve? If not - why and what do we need to change?

Class of 2019 Says "I Love you!"

District Goals

Maximize Student Learning in Literacy for ALL

Provide High Quality Instruction for ALL

Promote a Happy Culture for ALL