Happiness - Orange Frog

Happiness Advantage - Orange Frog Training

The idea - If you believe that how you think and what you do matters - you are more engaged in life. And if you are more engaged in life - you are more successful!

Happiness and positive psychology is the key to take our staff, customers (students-families) and community to the next level of engagement, success and prosperity.

Happiness = Engagement = Results

Our District and the International Think Leader Network are on a journey to infuse positive psychology, proven strategies into our District. All employees of the School District of North Fond du Lac experience Day #1 of Orange Frog Training and this year for all new employees the Orange Frog Training will be on Tuesday, August 20th from 8am - 4pm. Each team will then continue to focus on creating an environment and culture where people that what they do and how they think matters! The District focus on Orange Frog Training as team and infusing happiness throughout the District - it is a technology to empower us be better at helping all of our students become become career and college ready, making our District a destination where kids and adults want to be!

Through the research of Shawn Achor (The Happiness Advantage - see the wall outside Aaron's office), a workshop called Orange Frog Training has been developed to teach scientifically proven strategies to increase your level of happiness. The District is investing in this program and supporting this scientifically proven method to improve productivity, build culture and be happy.

Workshop Information - 1st Year Employees all go through Orange Frog Training! This year it is Tuesday, August 20th from 8am - 4pm!

Workshop Learning Targets:

  • Increase staff engagement-happiness through developing a mindset of:
    • How I think matters!
    • What I do matters!
  • Increase student happiness, achievement and career and college readiness
  • Create a culture that makes our schools places everyone wants to be to grow and thrive


Community Room - Entrance of the New FLC - 1098 Prospect!

  • Tuesday, August 20th 8am - 4pm - Veterans of Orange Frog Training Invited and Welcome! Lunch provided!!!