
Ensuring our students get to and from school safely is high priority in our Return to Learn planning. Here you will find a description of the various steps we are taking to promote safety for all of our students.

In an attempt to reduce exposure to COVID-19, we encourage all families to consider alternate transportation other than school bussing if at all possible.

Here Comes the Bus!

Here Comes the Bus® allows you to view the real-time location of your child’s school bus on your smartphone, tablet or computer. With it, you will have the information you need to send your children to the bus stop at just the right time, helping to protect them from inclement weather or other issues, and know when their bus is heading back at the end of the school day.

Here Comes the Bus Letter

Walk Zones

As part of our attempt to reduce the number of students on our buses, we will be implementing the state walk zone requirements of providing transportation to students in grades K-8 who live more than 2 miles from their attendance center, and providing transportation to students in grades 9-12 who live more than 3 miles from their attendance center (Board Policy 711.1).

We understand that this creates a hardship for some families and will be reevaluating this measure quarterly to determine if adjustments can be made to safely transport more of our students.

Fall 2020-2021 Transportation Parent Letter

Specialized Transportation

Students who receive transportation services as part of their IEP were asked to consider voluntarily forgoing the use of district transportation to assist with district health and safety measures. If you are interested in this, please contact Jessica Ferguson, Director of Special Education at for more information.

Health and Safety

Strategies to keep our students safe are summarized below. For a comprehensive list of health and safety measures regarding transportation, go to our NCSD COVID-19 Health and Safety Plan and click on "Transportation."

    • Busses will be filled to half capacity or less, when possible

    • Hand sanitizer will be available for students as they board the bus

    • Fill the bus from back to front

    • Don’t allow anyone to sit in the seat directly behind the driver

    • Sit in assigned seat every time you ride

    • One child per seat, when possible

      • Students from the same household may sit together in a seat

    • No food or drink consumed on the bus

    • Exit bus from front to back

    • Buildings will designate ways to socially distance as students enter the building

Fall 2020-2021 Transportation Parent Letter