Onsite & Hybrid Learning

As part of Return to Learn planning, the Iowa Department of Education has asked districts to plan for educating students within three different models: Onsite, Hyrbid, and Remote. Below you will find information pertaining to our Onsite and Hybrid learning models.

Overview of Learning Options: Onsite vs. Remote vs. Homeschool

Click here for an overview of the differences between learning options for students.

Traditional Onsite Learning

Newton CSD believes that traditional, in-person school attendance leads to the greatest learning opportunities for students. It is our intention to return to a 5-day per week, primarily in-person learning environment as soon as it is safe to do so. We believe that we will be able to learn from our experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic to offer a more engaging and flexible learning environment that meets the needs of all learners.

NHS Class Information for Onsite and Remote Learning

Hybrid On-Site Learning (primary model of instruction)

Students will attend school in-person on Tuesday - Friday during regular school hours. Monday will be a remote learning day, with teachers providing instruction, learning resources, and/or assignments through the Learning Management System used at each grade level. When students will practice using the same tools and strategies as a remote learning environment in conjunction with in-person instruction and support. This will help prepare students and teachers to more easily shift into a remote learning environment should it be required during the year. Teachers will implement blended learning strategies and resources, which effectively integrates technology into the classroom to prepare students for success in the modern world.

Elementary Monday Remote Learning Schedule for ALL Students

Middle School Monday Remote Learning Schedule for ALL Students

High School Monday Remote Learning Schedule for ALL Students

WEST Academy Monday Remote Learning Schedule for ALL Students

Fully Remote Learning (as an option for families within a hybrid model)

Students will receive, and are expected to attend, daily direct instruction (whole class and/or small groups) and live interaction with their assigned teachers during regular school hours. Teachers and students will use the Learning Management System identified at each grade level to provide recordings of instruction and other resources, as well as communicate back and forth about learning and assignments. Learning and instruction will be aligned with the On-Site Learning Model to the extent possible.

Sample Elementary Remote Learning Schedule

Sample Middle School Remote Learning Schedule

NHS Class Information for Onsite and Remote Learning

Sample High School Remote Learning Schedule

Sample WEST Academy Remote Learning Schedule

Monday Schedules:

Elementary Monday Remote Learning Schedule for ALL Students

Middle School Monday Remote Learning Schedule for ALL Students

High School Monday Remote Learning Schedule for ALL Students

WEST Academy Monday Remote Learning Schedule for ALL Students

Gap-Closing Scope and Sequence

Teachers will continue to utilize a scope and sequence that focuses on grade-level instruction and learning as the priority, and have identified the Learning Goals that were missed or incomplete due to the unexpected school closure at the end of the 2019-20 school year. The missed instruction related to these standards has been aligned with the planned scope and sequence for 2020-2021. This was accomplished through teacher collaboration across grade-levels and buildings during the spring and summer. Teachers will provide “just in-time” support and scaffolding to students around the prerequisite skills necessary to master grade-level standards and expectations, as opposed to spending the beginning of the year teaching what was missed.

The primary method for this will be through the Professional Learning Community (PLC) process. The School Board approved 2020-2021 calendar and building schedules provides time for this collaboration to take place, using protocols and resources that align with the High Reliability School Model.

Professional Learning to Improve Instruction

Based on our experiences during the spring closure, and in preparation for this fall, teachers have participated in many professional learning opportunities to meet their individual growth needs for providing high quality instruction, specifically in a remote learning environment. Professional learning was provided through partnerships with the Area Education Agency (AEA), in-district teachers and administrators, and other professional organizations. Several of the key focus areas were: blended/flipped learning, learning management systems, planning for remote learning in an emergency situation, Eureka Math implementation, and iObservation teacher and observer training.

Use of Data to Make Instructional Decisions

Protocols will be established to ensure data is used to make instructional decisions, especially in closing learning gaps created by school closures. Teachers will use universal screeners and pre-assessments to determine which prerequisite skills and knowledge students have, or need to acquire, in order to become proficient at grade-level learning goals.