Health and Safety

The health and safety of NCSD's students, families, teacher, and staff were first and foremost in planning for the 2020-2021 school year. Please note that the protocols and procedures below are not a replacement of the district's emergency, crisis, and safety plans, and in no way are these an exhaustive list of our health and safety measures. Rather, these are some of the specific actions we are taking in response to the COVID-19 crisis as part of our Return to Learn Plan.

NCSD COVID-19 Health and Safety Plan

We are committed to keeping our students and staff safe! Click here to view our detailed Health and Safety Plan developed by the Health and Safety Return to Learn Subcommittee.

Face Coverings

As of 5/20/21, the Newton Community School District is lifting the requirement for masks in our buildings. Masks will be optional for all students and staff.

While optional, the District encourages anyone not vaccinated to remain masked.


All staff and students should conduct a daily self screening for COVID-19 at home prior to coming to school.

Parents should follow the steps for self-screening found on the Parent & Family Support page.


Strategies to maintain the health and safety of students in our classrooms are summarized below. For a comprehensive list of health and safety measures regarding cleaning, go to our NCSD COVID-19 Health and Safety Plan and click on "Classroom."

  • Seating charts should be created, documented, and adhered to all times

  • Social distancing guidelines should be followed at all times

  • Seating options should be separated as close to 6 feet apart as possible

    • When possible, students should all face the same direction

  • Reduce the usage of cloth or hard-to-disinfect items such as pillows, beanbags, etc.

  • Reduce shared use of classroom materials (snack bucket, show and tell bags, planners, sensory tables, books, etc)

  • When possible, physical education classes should consider alternative activities that promote physical distancing greater than 6 feet

  • Hand washing and use of hand sanitizer should be explicitly taught and built into the daily schedule multiple times

    • Hand washing/sanitizing is recommended before and after transitions (examples: using a computer or iPad, using communal headphones, bathroom, lunch, specials, touching an animal, coughing, sneezing etc.)

    • Hand sanitizer will be available

  • Hand washing/sanitizing is recommended before and after passing out papers or manipulatives

  • Students should remain in the same room with the same group of peers as much as possible throughout the day reducing the need for transitions

    • Build in extra brain breaks and/or outdoor breaks throughout the day

  • Drinking fountains will not be used

    • Bottle filling stations that are no touch can be used to fill bottles

    • Students are encouraged to bring their own water bottles daily

  • Desks/eating areas outside of the cafeteria will be disinfected prior to eating snack, breakfast, or lunch

  • Locker usage should be minimal or discouraged

  • Plexiglass barriers will be placed in high-traffic or high-risk areas within the school buildings

  • Band, Choir, and Music classes will follow the Iowa High School Music Association Guidelines


Strategies to keep our facilities clean are summarized below. For a comprehensive list of health and safety measures regarding cleaning, go to our NCSD COVID019 Health and Safety Plan and click on "Cleaning."

  • Custodians will develop building cleaning schedules and will share with staff

  • All staff will be trained through online modules and professional development on the proper usage of cleaning materials and cleaning techniques

  • Electro-static spraying machines will be used in all classrooms, offices, and common areas at least twice per week

  • Teachers will be required to disinfect all chairs, desks, and tables in their classrooms once a day before leaving in the afternoon (excluding days their rooms will be misted)

  • High touch surfaces and manipulatives (examples include toys, calculators, shop tools, PE equipment, shared instruments, door knobs, etc.) will be disinfected daily