Social-Emotional Behavioral Health

The social-emotional behavioral health (SEBH) of NCSD's teachers, staff, students, and families are at the forefront in planning for the 2020-2021 school year. Our critical focus is securing and enhancing supportive relationships with staff, students, and their families during this crisis.

Behavior Expectations

Behavior matrices will be used when learning in a remote setting so all students and teachers have a common set of expectations. All buildings also have their own behavior matrices for use with onsite learners.

Elementary Behavior Matrix for Remote Learning

Secondary Behavior Matrix for Remote Learning

Capturing Kids' Hearts/Social Emotional Learning

Our SEL/CKH playbook was developed to provide teachers with social emotional learning strategies aligned with Capturing Kids' Hearts that ensure connection and support for all students.

Newton SEL/CKH Playbook


Capturing Kids' Hearts and the EXCEL model guide the interactions students have with fellow classmates and teachers on a daily basis. It is important for us to maintain this consistency for students, so we have provided an adapted EXCEL model for teachers to use in a remote learning setting.

EXCEL Model for Remote Learners