
One major component of the project GRAND experiment is the trailer. The trailer consists of three main spaces: the west room, middle room, and the east room. The west room is primarily used as the main office space. It contains two of the primary operating computers. These computers are used to for diagnostic purposes as well as measuring barometric pressure. The middle room consists of PC1 which processes data received by the Data Acquistion System (DAS). The east room is the main work space for fixing various components of the detectors.

The trailer was purchased from NASA as government surplus. Reportedly, it was used in the manned space program as one of the medical facilities for examining astronauts before and after spaceflights. Though it can't be determined, NASA has an archived photo of a trailer used for that purpose that was subsequently converted for use as the Gemini Program Visitor's Center. The telltale red, white, and blue stripes, as well as a few "U.S. Government Property" tags are still visible on the Project GRAND trailer.

“Gemini's First Docking Turns to Wild Ride in Orbit.” NASA - Gemini VIII. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 8/7/17. web page. 6/26/19. < >.

“45 Years of Welcoming Visitors to Kennedy.” NASA - Kennedy Space Center History. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 2/21/12. web page. 6/26/19. < >.