How can I set up a meeting with you?

There are a couple of ways you can do that. One way is filling out the paper outside my office and either sliding it under my door (if I'm not there) or handing it to me. The other way is schedule an appointment with me by using Calendly. You and your parents can always email me at tlockwood@nashua-plainfield.k12.ia.us. If you every see me in the building, you can always ask me and I will make an appointment for you. Finally, parents can call the office at (641)435-4114.

Can I still Sign up for the BackPack Program? And, are There Certain Requirements to Sign Up?

You can sign up for the BackPack Program at any time! Just let me know if you are interested, or if you are ever in the building you can pick up the sign up form located in the basket on my office door. For the requirements, there are not any. As long as your student(s) could benefit from having extra snacks after school during the weekend you can sign up!