Virtual Learning Tips

Virtual Learning

Working and learning from home can be challenging and intimidating. This page will give everyone tips to be successful during this time.

Online coursework has its benefits and can be quite fun too!

Useful Tips

  1. Treat the online course just as you would a brick-and-mortar course.

  2. Hold yourself accountable.

  3. Practice time management.

  4. Create a regular schedule and a designate a specific study space in your home.

  5. Eliminate distractions.

  6. Actively participate.

  7. Phone a friend (or your teacher) for help.

  8. Take breaks when you need it.

Sample Schedules

Below are just a couple of sample schedules that you can use. The first one is a semi-structured routine that begins around 8 a.m. and ends around 2:30 p.m. The second one can be used when routine is just not possible and it is preferable to work in the early evening. Both options are perfectly fine and they both allow for students to complete assignments in different ways. We all learn differently and this is the best part of distance learning! Pick what works for your family.

It's important to note that we feel better when we get up, get dressed, and have a plan for the day. Treating distance learning just like if students were to attend Heathrow will ensure that they take it just as seriously.

Sample Schedule A

Sample Schedule B