Fourth Grade

Comprehensive Health Ed.

Adolescence is a period of many changes and developments in your child’s life and it is natural for him/her to have many questions and concerns. We would encourage you to be aware of and involved with your child during these important years. This will enable you to respond to your child’s questions and thoughts in a more personal manner than is possible in a classroom.

Students will be involved in a program of study called Comprehensive Health Education in the spring semester. This program incorporates many concepts of health to provide knowledge and to develop attitudes and behaviors that will help your child lead a healthy life.

The teachers will be using professionally made films which will be shown separately to the boys and girls called, “Just Around the Corner for Girls” and “Just Around the Corner for Boys.”

Parents are encouraged to preview the films. If, after reviewing the film, you do NOT wish your child to view the film, you may request that your child be excused. You must do this in writing by the date requested each year.

Parents may search for the MARSHMedia videos entitled "Just Around the Corner for Boys" and "Just Around the Corner for Girls." Due to copyright laws, I cannot repost the links to the videos but they can be found online. Parents may also sign up to preview the films at school during designated timeslots.

More information is sent out in February each year.