Reading Tasks

Sophie's World

Sophie’s World by Jostein Gaarder

Sophie's World is a 1991 novel by Norwegian writer Jostein Gaarder. It follows Sophie Amundsen, a Norwegian teenager, who is introduced to the history of philosophy as she is asked "Who are you?" in a letter from an unknown philosopher.

Available in the LRC.

Introducing Descartes

Introducing Descartes - A Graphic Guide by Dave Robinson and Chris Garrett

René Descartes is famous as the philosopher who was prepared to doubt everything- even his own physical existence. Most people know that he said 'I think, therefore I am', even if they are not always sure what he really meant by it.

Available in the LRC.

The Diary of a Young Girl

The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank

This is a powerful book of the writings from the Dutch-language diary kept by Anne Frank while she was in hiding for two years with her family during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands.

Available in the LRC.

Writing Tasks

Global issues: Just War Theory

What rules do you think should govern warfare today?

Write no more than five rules to update the Just War Theory for modern warfare.

Watching Tasks

Belief in God

Watch Bruce Almighty what does it teach about the nature of God?

Research Tasks

Religion and the Media challenge.

1.Find as many positive news stories as you can in a day.

2. Find as many news stories as you can about religion in the course of one week.

3. Did anything surprise you about your findings?


Use the Humanist UK website to find out more about humanism:

Use the ‘Cornell’ note system to record your findings.


Anne Frank’s House. Use the interactive website to explore Ann Frank’s house in Amsterdam

Global issues: Equality

Find out about the work of some religious charities such as Christian Aid, Cafod and Muslim Aid, for example.

Use the ‘Cornell’ note system to record your findings.

Science and Religion

Plan a visit to the Science Museum.

Investigate and explain how science and religion can be compatible.

Creative Tasks


Global issues – design a symbol for forgiveness.


Holocaust: Design a Holocaust Memorial

The Environment

Global Issues – Design a new product to help people to live a more sustainable lifestyle?

  • What is it?

  • What would it do?

  • How would it help?

Student Led Tasks

Media challenge

Live without your social media / games for a week!

Write about your experience.

Problem of Evil

Over the course of 1-2 weeks, document examples of natural or moral evil you see reported on the news.

Explain whether or not you think these events challenge a religious worldview.