Reading Tasks

¿Qué tal? 

Read the ¿Qué tal? magazines from the library

Writing Tasks

Letter to a friend

Write a letter to an imaginary friend in Spain and tell them about yourself – this could be good practice for a future exchange partner.

Listening Tasks

Spanish Podcast

Listen to the Podcast Coffeebreak Spanish

Listen to our free podcasts and learn or improve your Spanish on the go, where and when it suits you.

Watching Tasks

A Series

Watch a series in Spanish on Netflix or Prime.


Watch Valentin

the story of an eight-year-old boy who dreams of becoming and astronaut in 1960s Argentina.

Put the subtitles on 

Watch one of your favourite Disney films with the Spanish subtitles on.

Research Tasks

Spanish Sportsperson

Research a famous Spanish sportsperson and make a presentation that you could show to the class.

Trips & Visits 

Trip to Madrid

Research a weekend trip to Madrid – plan your travel and activities for the weekend.

Creative Tasks 

Helping with Grammar

Make a video to learn a grammar point that you have learnt in class.

Student Led Tasks 

Phone Settings

Put the settings on your phone into Spanish to practice useful language.

Change the Settings

Put the settings into Spanish on your favourite computer game. On FIFA, for example, you can set the commentary into Spanish.