Reading Tasks

Algorithms to Live By by Brian Christian and Thomas L. Griffiths

A fascinating exploration of how computer algorithms can be applied to our everyday lives.

Writing Tasks

Intelligent Machines

Write a short essay debating the following question;

Are computers more intelligent than the people who make them?

Debate this question

Write a short essay debating the following question;

Will computer assisted education replace the need for teachers in the future?

Listening Tasks

Podcast: How Tricky is it to make COVID-19 Tracing app

In this episode of the Big Question podcast, Dr Grant Blank from the Oxford Internet Institute, studies the social and cultural impact of the internet and new media, and offers some thoughts.

The year 2100

Imagine that it is the year 2100. Ask yourself;

  • What will the world be like?

  • How will technology have changed?

  • What new inventions will have been created?

Sketch a picture of a large city giving a perspective on what you think the world will be like in 2100.

Watching Tasks

Computer Science is for everyone?

A fantastic short video talk, shows how essential and easy it is to gain a basic understanding of computer science learning principles

BBC Click

BBC Click: Watch this weekly BBC television programme covering news and recent developments in the world of consumer technology and innovations.

A comprehensive guide to all the latest gadgets, websites, games and computer industry news.

The greatest machine that ever was...

Watch the TedTalk on the story of Charles Babbage's mechanical, steam-powered "analytical engine" and how Ada Lovelace saw beyond its simple computational abilities to imagine the future of computers.

Research Tasks

Ethics in the Age of AI

Carry out some research to find out about some unusual careers with the tech and Compute Science Industry.

  • Digital locksmith?

  • Drone Operator?

  • Professional hacker?

Trips & Visits

National Museum of Computing

Plan a visit to the National Museum of Computing, H Block, Bletchley Park, Milton Keynes

The National Museum of Computing (TNMOC) is home to the world's largest collection of working historic computers.

Student Led Tasks

3D Animation

Using Alice follow the hour of code tutorial and project to make an animation to build and create a scene of an animation of your choosing.

Computer Science Fundamentals

A collection of interactive quizzes that will help you master computer science fundamentals. Click here

Raspberry Pi

Why not get yourself a credit card sized computer?

There are so many projects you can complete with this tiny computer.

Take a look here for inspiration.

Create your own website

Use this Codeacademy tutorial to develop your skills using HTML and CSS to build you own website.


Develop your Python programming skills by challenging yourself to complete as many tasks on Snakify as you can.