Reading Tasks

The Whisperers

The Whisperers by Orlando Figes 

Drawing on a huge range of sources - letters, memoirs, conversations - Orlando Figes tells the story of how Russians tried to endure life under Stalin. Those who shaped the political system became, very frequently, its victims. 

Available in the LRC.

Writing Tasks


Write a review of one of the books you have read from the History reading list OR one of the films / series you have watched. 


Write a one-page biography of an important twentieth-century figure. For example, Emmeline Pankhurst, Martin Luther King, or Nelson Mandela. 

Write your own historical fiction

Enter this annual competition from the Historical Association which challenges you to write your own piece of fiction.  See this link for more information.

Listening Tasks

The Space Race

Homeschool History: The Space Race (BBC Sounds) 

Mary Seacole & Florence Nightingale

Homeschool History: Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale 

LGBTQ + History

You're Dead to Me: LGBTQ+ History (BBC Sounds) 

Watching Tasks

My Boy Jack

My Boy Jack (Film) 2007 

Biographical drama starring Daniel Radcliffe, 2007. The true story of how author Rudyard Kipling and his wife search for their son after he goes missing during World War I. 

War Horse

War Horse (Film) 2011 

Albert and his beloved horse, Joey, live on a farm in the British countryside. At the outbreak of World War I, Albert and Joey are forcibly parted when Albert's father sells the horse to the British cavalry.  Against the backdrop of the Great War, Joey begins an odyssey full of danger, joy and sorrow, and he transforms everyone he meets along the way. Meanwhile Albert, unable to forget his equine friend, searches the battlefields of France to find Joey and bring him home. 

Hitler - The Rise of Evil

Hitler - the Rise of Evil  (TV mini series) 2003

A unique slant, profiling the life of Adolf Hitler as a child and his rise through the ranks of the National Socialist German Workers' Party prior to World War II. 


Invictus' (Film) 2009 

The story is based on the 2008 John Carlin book Playing the Enemy: Nelson Mandela and the Game That Made a Nation about the events in South Africa before and during the 1995 Rugby World Cup. The Springboks were not expected to perform well, the team having only recently returned to high-level international competition following the dismantling of apartheid—the country was hosting the World Cup, thus earning an automatic entry. 

Research Tasks

WW1 Battles

Research the key events of one of the following First World War Battles;

Women & The Vote

Research the main reasons why women in Britain were given the right to vote after the First World War.

Use BBC iWonder: Did the Suffragettes win women the vote? 


Research the key events in the development of the Holocaust.

Use the BBC iWonder interactive timeline to research the development of the Holocaust 

Trips & Visits 

Duxford - Aircraft Museum

Aircraft Exhibition and Airshow, Imperial War Museum, Duxford 

Churchill's War Rooms

Churchill's War Rooms, Imperial War Museum, London 

Holocaust Exhibition

The Holocaust Exhibition, Imperial War Musuem, London 

Creative Tasks 

Diary entry 

Write a series of short diary entries, imagining you are a soldier in the First World War. Begin by explaining why you are joining the army, and then explain your experiences in the trenches. 

WW1 Recruitment Poster

Create a First Worl War recruitment poster, calling for men to join the army. Research real recruitment posters to give you inspiration. 

Poem Challenge

Write a poem in the style of one of the war poets (such as Wilfred Owen) explaining trench warfare.