Reading Tasks

How Not to Be Wrong: The Hidden Maths of Everyday Life,

Read this book by by Jordan Ellenberg. 

Discover how maths touches on everything we do, and a little mathematical knowledge reveals the hidden structures that lie beneath the world's messy and chaotic surface.

Available in the LRC.

Hidden Figures

Read Hidden Figures by by Margot Lee Shetterly. 

The story of the African-American Mathematicians of NASA who helped America win the Space Race.  Read the book and watch the film.

Available in the LRC.

The Simpsons and their mathematical secrets

Read The Simpsons and their mathematical secrets, by Simon Singh.

 See how a writing team of mathematicians include mathematics 

Available in the LRC.

Listening Tasks

Travels in a Mathematical World

Listen to Travels in a Mathematical World podcast, by Peter Rowlett - featuring mathematicians talking about their work as well as features on maths history and maths news.

A Brief History of Mathematics

A BBC Radio 4 podcast by Marcus du Sautoy Listen to all 10 episodes.

Watching Tasks

A Beautiful Mind

Watch the movie ‘A Beautiful Mind’, starring Russell Crowe, directed by Ron Howard. Research the mathematical genius of John Forbes Nash Jr.

Research Tasks

Srinivasa Ramanujan

Research Srinivasa Ramanujan. Find out about his contributions to modern Mathematics. Use this timeline to see how mathematicians 'Stand on the shoulders of giants.'

Prime numbers

Research prime numbers by watching clips of numberphile.

Trips & Visits 

Science Museum

Visit the maths gallery in the Science Museum, London

STEM Discovery Centre

Visit the Stem Discovery Centre in Stevenage

Creative Tasks 

This is not a maths book

Read This is not a Maths Book, by Anna Weltman. A fusion of maths and art/drawing. Work through fun drawing challenges with a mathematical basis.

The impossible triangle

Can you draw an impossible triangle? Watch this clip to help. What other impossible shapes can you draw?

Student Led Tasks 


Explore problems from nrich maths, including mathematical art.

Wild Maths

Wild Maths – explore, imagine, experiment, create! Try and explore one of the games.


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