Reading Tasks

Grimm's Tales

Grimm's Tales by Carol Ann Duffy

These Collected Grimm Tales contain Carol Ann Duffy's adaptations of the classic fairy tales, as well as Tim Supple's dramatization for the Young Vic Company .

Puppetry: How to do it

Puppetry: How to do it by Mervyn Miller

A practical, accessible and inspiring guide to using puppetry in theatre - the perfect entry point for anyone looking to use puppets in their productions, to explore what puppets can do, or to develop their puppetry skills.

Fantastic Mr Fox

Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl - Play version

The plot follows the titular character Mr. Fox, as his spree of thefts results in his family, and later his community, being hunted down by three farmers known as Boggis, Bunce and Bean.

Available in the LRC.

Writing Tasks


Write a monologue based on a character you have encountered so far this term in your drama lessons.

Be as creative as you can.

Don't forget to use your English skills.

How to Act

Create a 'How To Act' leaflet for someone that has never done drama before.

Write about GEMS, working in groups and performing.

Why drama?

Answer the question - What does studying drama give you that other subjects may not?

Reflect on your drama work so far and the skills you have learnt/used.

Critic Review

Look at the digital theatre app on the Sandringham VLE and select a play to review.

Write a theatre critic style review on the play, acting, set and consumes.

Write a script

Write a short script for a play called, 'The Day It All Went Wrong'...

Watching Tasks

Sandpit Show

Watch a performance at The Sandpit Theatre and spend 15 minutes talking to someone about it.

  • What did you like?

  • Who stood out in the performance? Why?

  • What star rating would you give the show?

A Film

Watch a film (not animated) and evaluate the performance of the lead actors.

Be critical, honest and constructive.

Creative Tasks

News Show

Get together in a group and create a news show style performance linking to a story in the news this month.

How will you work together to show the key facts of the story?

Be Charlie Chaplin

Create a comedy mine inspired by the work of performer Charlie Chaplin.

Think of a scenario and funny event that happens during the mine and don't forget to use GEMS s creatively as you can.

Make a movie trailer

Select a Roald Dhal story and perform a move trailer for the film version of this. You can work in groups of 3-5.

Use iMovie and costume to enhance your performance.

Student Led Tasks

Master an Accent

Use the website DialectsArchive to research an accent.

Can you work to master the accent?

Use the accent in a drama lesson performance.

Musical Performance

Perform a scene from a musical in a group or on your own.

Which musical will you choose?

Are you brave enough to sing too?