Reading Tasks
El otro árbol de Guernica
El otro árbol de Guernica by Luis de Castresana.
El coronel no tiene quien le escriba
El coronel no tiene quien le escriba by Gabriel García Márque.
Las bicicletas son para el verano
Las bicicletas son para el verano by Fernando Fernán-Gómez.
Rimas by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer.
La casa de los espíritus
La casa de los espíritus by Isabel Allende.
Current affairs
Go online and read El País or El Mundo and note down 20 new items of vocabulary:
Listening Tasks
Spanish Radio
Spanish clips
Searchable MP3 clips by topic, level and language:
Watching Tasks
Film - Volver
Director Pedro Almodovar's acclaimed supernatural-themed comedy starring Penelope Cruz.
Film - Ocho apellidos vascos
A romantic comedy film directed by Emilio Martínez-Lázaro.
Film - Abel
A Mexican New Wave classic from acclaimed actor/director Diego Luna.
Film - Las treces rosas
Spanish film directed by Emilio Martínez Lázaro based on a true story, follows the tragic fate of Las Trece Rosas, fighting for their ideals in the aftermath of the Spanish Civil War.
Film - María, llena eres de gracia
Maria Full of Grace is the story of a young Colombian woman with limited options as she embarks on a journey smuggling cocaine into the United States as a mule. The film is a glimpse of globalization, the drug trade and immigration.
Current affairs
Research Tasks
Country research
Research a Spanish-speaking country and write a review on an aspect you find interesting.
Language research
Find out about the different official languages spoken in Spain.
Author research
Research a Spanish-speaking author.
Trips & Visits
Plan a long weekend in Madrid. What would you visit? How would you look into and book accommodation?
Living and working in Spain
Research the possibility of working in Spain:
Plan a cultural holiday in Andalucía. What would you visit and why? What is the cultural/historical importance of the places you have chosen?