Gender is the range of characteristics between masculinity and feminility, Gender identity is the personal sense of one's own gender.
Gender equality is more than equal representation, it is strongly tied to women's rights, and often requires policy changes.
A large majority of Democrats say that women still face hurdles so they want gender equality to make everyone feel on the same level, they are not satisfied and think that this issue should be treated more.
Republicans believe gender barriers still exist but it is not a big issue for them because they think that women have their own duty and men have to make sure that the education which depends from the government is good enough for their children so it's their responsibility take part of the political life. equality link
Before 1920, women did not have a national right to vote in the United States but thanks to the Nineteenth Amendment now they can and democrats are very happy about it.
People think that the idea of gender equality depends on the school education and instruction.
College graduates say that changing gender roles have made it easier for families to earn enough money to live comfortably.