Welcome to the Monterey Peninsula Unified School District (MPUSD) Middle School Japanese Program Website!



Walter Colton Middle School(2020-23), Monte Vista School(2022-23) & La Mesa School(2022-) & Los Arboles Middle School (2023-) Japanese Program

コルトン中学校・モンテビスタスクール・ラメサスクール & 

ロスアルボレス中学校 日本語プログラム


Schools Overview

はじめまして !




このサイトをPCの全画面表示でご覧になっている場合は左側の "Home," "Japanese 1A,"(日本語学習1年目)  "Japanese 1B," (日本語学習2年目)"Japanese 1C," (日本語学習3年目)"Activities & News" をクリックするとそれぞれのページに移動します。PCの縮小画面、もしくはスマホからご覧の場合は上部の3本線をクリックすると、各ページへのリンクが表示されます。

Welcome to Monterey Peninsula Unified School District Japanese Program website. We (Walter Colton Middle School (closed permanently on June 2023), Monte Vista School, La Mesa School & Los Arboles Middle School) are 6-8 grade public TK-8 & middle schools' Japanese programs. Our schools are located in the City of Monterey and Marina, beautiful central coast California.

There are more than thirty middle schools in Monterey County, but our schools are the only middle schools that have Japanese programs.

The purpose of this website is to showcase some of the students' projects which are intended to connect them with Japanese people.

You can jump to each class's page when you click "Japanese 1A" "Japanese 1B" and "Japanese 1C" tab on the left (if you are using a smartphone, click three lines on top of this page).


A Japanese Teacher at Walter Colton Middle School, Monte Vista Elementary School & La Mesa Elementary School: Zeller Sensei

ゼラー博子(旧姓 千田) 


趣味はランニング(ハーフマラソンの自己ベスト1時間47分39秒)、旅行 、スケッチ、庭仕事、蚤の市巡り、外国語の学習。家族は夫と猫3匹。

このウェブサイトは年4回の更新です。日々のクラス活動をシェアしているインスタグラムのアカウントはこちら↓ ( I upload my students' projects four times a year. If you are interested in our daily activities, please follow my Instagram page!)




大分県立大分上野丘高校 卒業

福岡県立福岡女子大学 文学部(国文学) 学士

英国国際教育研究所 日本語教師養成課程 修了

アリゾナ大学 教育大学院 Language, Reading and Culture 修士

カリフォルニア州立大学モントレーベイ校 教員養成課程 修了

2007-2010 アリゾナ州ツーソン市 ピマ・コミュニティカレッジ日本語科 語学助手・非常勤講師

2010-2017 米国防総省外国語学校日本語科教官

2018-2019 モントレー高校 日本語科 教諭

2018-2023 ウォルターコルトン中学校 日本語科教諭 (中学校は2023年5月に閉校)

2022-2023 モンテビスタスクール、ラ・メサスクール日本語科教諭

2023- ラメサスクール、ロスアルボレス中学校 日本語科教諭


About 2023-24 School Year





Walter Colton MS was closed on May 2023. Two TK-8 schools in the City of Monterey continue to have Japanese programs. In addition to them, Seaside MS in Seaside and Los Arboles MS in Marina have started to offer Japanese program this year. I am teaching at La Mesa School (grade 6-8) and Los Arboles MS (grade 7&8).


About 2022-23 School Year




After the school year 2022-23, Walter Colton Middle School will be closed. The Japanese program will continue at Monte Vista Elementary School and La Mesa Elementary School's middle school division (grade 6-8).


About 2020-21 School Year




The physical school has been closed since March 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The school year 2020-21 has been distance learning (online) only. The online face-to-face class hours are reduced to 40% of our usual time (100 minutes vs. 250 minutes/week).

Our Students have been doing their best to motivate themselves and to learn Japanese culture and language with positive attitude. Hope you enjoy watching the fruits of their effort!


What do students learn in a public middle school Japanese (world language) class?




Some public middle schools mandate their students to take a foreign language class, and some don't. Our students must select either Spanish or Japanese. The curriculum is same as the high school Japanese programs, but we spend two years to finish their one year materials/contents.

2019-2020年度 学級閉鎖期間中(3月-5月)の全クラスの活動報告

Projects during school closure from March-May (2020)

2020年 4月 (2019−20年度)、学級閉鎖中のプロジェクト 『マスクを作ろう』

Project: "Let's make a facemask" during Covid-19 school closure in April 2020


In the States, it was not common for people to wear a mask when they are sick. Not so many students owned a mask when the pandemic started. We watched a Japanese video clips and learned to make a mask from what we have at home.

2020年 5月 (2019−20年度)、学級閉鎖中のプロジェクト 『日米のエッセンシャルワーカーにお礼のポスターを描こう』

Project "Show gratitude to essential workers in your community & in Japan" during Covid-19 school closure in May 2020



Several months after the school shutdown, many of us started to feel exhausted and discouraged.

The purposes of this project "Show Gratitude to Essential Workers in Your Community & in Japan" are not just for those essential workers, but for everybody who made effort to support our everyday life during this unprecedented time. Some parents placed this posters in their workplaces! Some students wrote messages in more than three languages.

(You will hear music when you click the video)
