VISION: Jewel of Teaching & Learning


CTLE will:

  • provide the Leadership in Teaching & Learning;

  • act as a Catalyst through seeding innovation and sharing of work done in areas of Cutting Edge pedagogies and resources; and

  • foster strong and meaningful Collaboration opportunities among educators from AST, NIE and YISS.

Our school is committed to delivering quality learning experiences for all our students. To boost our efforts, we believe in enhancing the professional development of teachers.

The school hosts the Centre for Teaching & Learning Excellence as announced by then Minister of Education Heng Swee Keat on 27 September 2015. The CTLE is a unique tripartite partnership between our school, Master Teachers (MTTs) from the Academy of Singapore Teachers (AST), and experts from the National Institute of Education (NIE). The MTTs and experts co-plan and co-teach with our teachers as they conduct in-situ professional development.

This model of authentic onsite professional development of teachers embodies Mr Yusof Ishak’s pioneering spirit and his convictions that education enables individuals and all communities to progress. The CTLE@YISS, focuses on growing teachers who in turn nurture students as leaders for tomorrow.

Teachers from schools across Singapore as well as student teachers participate in the professional development where innovative teaching methods in a real classroom setting are demonstrated.

The range of professional development opportunities at the CTLE go beyond the teaching strategies of academic subjects to include strategies for developing students’ socio-emotional competencies, character and values.

The benefits of the CTLE accrue not just to our students and teachers, but across other schools as teacher-participants bring back new insights and strategies to their respective schools. The CTLE@YISS aims to be at the forefront of exploring innovative, effective teaching methods set against authentic learning conditions, and contributing to the growth of teachers in the fraternity.