Sports & healthy Lifestyle


It is health that is real wealth, not pieces of gold and silver.              - Mahatma Gandhi 




A free and superbly-organised site created for people who have interest in cultivating long-term fitness and health with calisthenics.  

Short videos for each exercise included to help you understand the method. Suitable for beginners as well as advanced fitness buffs. 

Struggling to do a simple pull up? Wanting to challenge yourself to do a one-arm pull-up? Click on the exercise links working different core muscles to find an exercise progression that works for you. 

Start off by navigating to Hybrid Routine at the top of the site. :) 

p.s There are also videos on life philosophy and motivation.  


Some shorts and videos which were hits among subscribers include: 

p.s There are also playlists on life philosophy, lifestyle and motivation.  

Quick & Effective - Let's Train together WITH PAMELA REIF

Channel with 8.9 million subscribers, showing different versions of free workouts and fitness videos from Beginner, 30min per day, 45min Slow workout to 45min Hard workout. Have a look at the YouTube Playlists to filter the workouts depending on your level!  Access channel here.

Recommended by Suki from Sec 2 

Get inspired

Game For Life Book_Full Version.pdf

'GAME FOR LIFE: 25 Journeys' aims to inspire readers to play the game of their lives, and in so doing, discover themselves, unleash their true potential and develop their character. The 25 stories have been written and structured in a way to facilitate reflection, focusing on the sporting values that have shaped them to be the person they are which have helped them to succeed in life. 

With the values that are highlighted and the guided reflection questions in the stories, student leaders who are athletes can use them during reflection sessions: As a check-in before your training sessions / during your huddle, or ss an independent team activity to reinforce the team’s culture and values. A must-read for sportspersons!

To access individuals stories, either

Click on this link to download the e-book

or this link to access website. 

Olympics, Paralympics


emotion unites us

Embody the heart and mind of a Paralympian. 

Explore five uplifting stories from Paralympians. Through this spatial audio WebXR (i.e. VR and immersive Web) experience which aims to change perceptions of disability, stand beside them and witness the emotions that define their most challenging and rewarding moments. 

Click here to access website

Inclusivity Through sports

Explore the repository of inspiring stories of paralympians using the series of videos - Chasing Greatness on how various paralympians demonstrated qualities like determination and ambition to succeed in their sport despite their disabilities. Find out more about how the various sports are played at the Paralympics.

Click here to access website

virtual tour of the olympic museum

Explore the different facets of the Olympics, from stories of past Olympians to learning about the history of Olympics. Click here to explore the site.

Read stories on pioneering Olympians who championed for greater equality and respect.

Take a cultural and artistic journey through history of the Olympic games.


Let's play volleyball

Suitable for beginners who wish to pick up volleyball or for those of you who play volleyball on a school or club team. The Youtuber shares her experiences on things like technique, nutrition, gear, and competition. Playlists include Haikyuu, Tips to Ace Volleyball Tryouts, Volleyball Drills which can be done at home

Access channel here

The speed cubers

Discover the special bond — and uncommon competitive spirit — shared by the world's Rubik's Cube-solving record breakers in this trailer. Below are some resources for those interested in speedcubing:

Youtube Channel (for all):

For beginners, check out step-by-step tutorial on how to get fast on 2 x 2 cube

Database of solves (for advanced):

basic soccer

Learn the 5 most important and basic soccer/football skills.

Best Footwork Exercises for Fast Feet:

Best Dribbling Exercises for Ultimate Control:

Useful, up-to-date resources for badminton players, coaches and fans, even beginners - there are beginners to intermediate tutorials and tips, intermediate to advanced tutorials and tips, mental training, badminton fitness.


reducing stress and anxiety

Hey friends! How do you manage your stress and anxiety?

This is a video topic very relatable to all students. Have you taken time to consider how you face your own stress and overcome your own stress?

In this video, learn about the importance of introspection. Discovering what is causing our stress and mitigating the causes will bring us peace in the long run. Ignoring our stress can sometimes make it worse. 

Learn about how stress management can be achieved through changing the way we think. Click to access video.

Cooking simple meals

Very simple and quick guides to learn with recipes. Recreating food favorites such as breakfasts, savoury food, drinks, soups, stews, desserts, bread, pastries, totally from scratch using real cooking techniques. All with the goal to remake it, but better. Learn how to create snickers or Macdonald's Apple Pies at home.Access the Youtube channel here, or access the website here.

aaron & CLAire

A website with easy recipes for cooking Chinese, Korean, Japanese food. There is also a dropdown list with recipes for different types of dishes.