Self-Directed Learning Days

Welcome to the CTSS NDLP Google Site.

The purpose of this site is to provide information and resources related to NDLP and Blended Learning for existing students and parents. 

Since 2021, SDL Days has become a regular feature in our Clementeens' learning experiences, spanning Terms 1 to 4 of a school year for Sec 1 to 3 and Terms 1 and 2 for Sec 4 and 5

SDL Days aim to provide students with more opportunities to learn at their own pace and be empowered to take charge of their learning. SDL Days are scheduled on Even Week Fridays.

On these days, students will follow the normal timetable. 

Each timetabled lesson will be around 50 minutes and the lesson instructions can be accessed from your respective subject Google Classrooms. 

Click here to check out by 6pm