Medical Leave Policy information

Questions have been raised about school district policies and potential limits on medical leave.

Several education organizations have been working on this issue.

FAQs from Missouri NEA

about workplace rights, Family First Corona Virus Leave, Family leave etc.

FROM the MSTA (Missouri State Teachers Association) Website

Staff Sick Leave Policies

Staff sick leave policies are essential to easing the stress and anxiety felt by educators who may become sick or who have a person at higher risk from COVID-19 in their household.

  • Leave policies should include the process for educators to work virtually should they be required to stay at home, as well as other leave policies such as pooling personal/sick days so that staff can access days beyond their own accrual.

  • Teachers required to quarantine at home due to exposure in the classroom should not be required to use sick leave.

United Federation of Teachers - Frequently asked questions about absences during Covid 19