Secondary/General - MIPL

This page curated by: Phyllis PasleyLast Update: 9/12/20
Resources from Missouri Music Educators Association - our colleagues at MMEA have compiled comprehensive resources for various aspects of music education on their website.
Part 3 of the University of Colorado -Boulder Aerosol Study 11/2020 -now available.

8/23/20 - ST LOUIS COUNTY MASK GUIDELINES UPDATE - article - mandatory mask wearing - masks may be removed during choir and band if students are 6 feet apart.
VOCAL FATIGUE? view this Choralosophy Podcast Episode 42: Tips And Tricks for Vocal Health. Masked or Online. With Lori Sonnenberg
St. Louis Symphony Orchestra WorkshopsThe St. Louis Symphony Orchestra created a survey to see how they can best support us with virtual masterclasses for students and educators this year. Please fill it out at your earliest convenience: SLSO Online Workshop Survey