DL-Vocal Music (Choir)

This page curated by: Lezlie WaltzLast Update: 7/31/2
Resources from Missouri Music Educators Association - our colleagues at MMEA have compiled comprehensive resources for various aspects of music education on their website.



WEBINAR -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oWlrV3rCao - (1:50:20)8/12/20 - ACDA, NATS, PAMA, Chorus America, and Barbershop Harmony Society presented a joint Q&A-style webinar on Monday on the preliminary results (round 2) of the Performing Arts Aerosol Research Study. Study researcher Dr. Jelena Srebric reviewed the preliminary findings for singers, otolaryngologist Dr. Lucinda Halstead provided a review of mask options, and soprano Olivia Lerwick described her participation in the research study.
Resources:Webinar Powerpoint Personal Risk Tolerance Assessment
What does the data say in my locale?GA Tech Event Risk Assessment Tool
What about my studio/building?Harvard-UC Boulder Portable Air Cleaner Calculator for Schools.v1.1ASHRAE Resources
RESEARCH UPDATEAerosol Generation from Playing Band Instruments, Singing, and Performing, and Risk of Infectious Disease TransmissionThe researchers involved in this study presented an Aug. 6 webinar (recording below) on their preliminary results. Final results are expected in late Nov./early Dec.