
This page curated by: Dr. Daniel HellmanLast Update: 9/12/20

Modified In-Person Learning

Sequential arts education is an integral, essential and foundational component of education in Missouri Schools as defined by the Show-Me Standards and reaffirmed by the adoption of new Grade Level Expectations in music, visual arts, theater, dance and media arts in April, 2019.

Fine arts education programs require proper staffing and support to ensure the continuity of instruction.

The health, safety and well- being of all students is the most important priority for guiding the design, development and implementation of Fine Arts instruction.

The making and creating of art together is one the things that students have missed most during the time of school closures. Creating artistic works together within the confines of health and safety requirements and focusing on artistic experiences that cannot be done remotely should be a priority when students are in school.

Arts education plays a critical role in supporting the social and emotional learning needs of students. Arts educators are a vital link in ensuring the social emotional learning outcomes of schooling support youth development.

Part 3 of the University of Colorado -Boulder -now avaiable.
VOCAL FATIGUE? view this Choralosophy Podcast Episode 42: Tips And Tricks for Vocal Health. Masked or Online. With Lori Sonnenberg
Check out this sample video created with teachers who work with young children in mind. It could help prepare students for meeting a teacher wearing a mask.

Curricular Recommendations

  1. Focus more on the “creation”, “connection”, and “response” strands of Missouri's Fine Arts Standards, and less on the “performance/presentation” area.

  2. Relying on state and national discipline associations who provide guidance on safe instruction practices. Information about joining your state's arts education organizations may be found here.

  3. Consider cross-curricular integrations that combine goals in the arts disciplines with those in other subjects. Find more info about Arts Integration here.

Safety Recommendations

  1. Evaluate materials and equipment. Specific recommendation to limit high-touch, common materials in a classroom.

  2. Remain informed about the risks and follow best practices to avoid spread of coronavirus through aerosol contamination. Utilize recommended strategies to minimize risk and exposure.


National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) - Guidance for opening High School Athletics and Activities

Role of Aerosols in the spread of virus which causes Covid-19

Professor Kimberly Prather, PhD, Distinguished Chair in Atmospheric Chemistry at UC San Diego

Interview with Dr. Jon LaPook, chief medical correspondent for CBS News

June 1st, 2020. CBS Evening News segment about the role of aerosols in the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes Covid-19

Vimeo 5:34 - Micro-droplets suspension information"

Covid Aerosol Transmission Estimator Professor Jimenez University of Colorado at Boulder

Video Tutorial Watch the video tutorial first.

Covid Exposure Modeler

Prof. Jimenez: "Most important is that it assumes that social distance is kept at all times, and that people are hand washing and avoiding contact transmission. If not, there to be an additional risk that's NOT included in the model."