Modified In-person Learning

This page curated by: Phyllis PasleyLast Update: 9/12/20
8/23/20 - ST LOUIS COUNTY MASK GUIDELINES UPDATE - article - mandatory mask wearing - masks may be removed during choir and band if students are 6 feet apart.
VOCAL FATIGUE? view this Choralosophy Podcast Episode 42: Tips And Tricks for Vocal Health. Masked or Online. With Lori Sonnenberg

There is unanimous and unequivocal support for a well-rounded education - which includes the arts (as defined by ESSA.*) We recognizes the challenges the arts, and other content areas, face due to COVID-19 restrictions which may call for curricular adjustment.

Curricular Recommendations

  1. Focusing on the “creation”, “connection”, and “response” pillars of Missouri's Fine Arts Standards, and leaning less on the “performance/presentation” pillar.

  2. Partnering with local arts organizations to provide educational experiences to students looking for specialized instruction or experiences that would otherwise require increased interactions in a classroom.

  3. Relying on state and national discipline associations who provide guidance on safe instruction practices. Information about joining your state's arts education organizations may be found here.

  4. Consider cross-curricular integrations. For example, using theatre to teach literacy, music to teach math, etc. Find more info about Arts Integration here.

Safety Recommendations

  1. Evaluate materials and equipment. Specific recommendation to limit high-touch, common materials in a classroom.

  2. Remain informed about the risks and follow best practices to avoid spread of coronavirus through aerosol contamination. Utilize recommended strategies to minimize risk and exposure

adapted from report summary - South Carolina Arts Alliance - draft recommendations for arts classrooms.*ESSA refers to Every Student Succeeds Act which includes language that defines a well-rounded education as including the arts and humanities.Education Commission of the States article. on this topic

DIY Singers Mask - Joan Fearnley Instructional Video FREE Pattern and Instructions

Information about Blended Learning Models which may apply to both distance learning and modified in-person learning settings may be found on the Distance Learning Page.

Just for fun...A Parody -"Baby Got Mask"By the Holderness FamilyWith appreciation to hundreds of teachers across the US for participating.