Safety and Re-Opening Guidelines

This page curated by: Jeff Sandquist Last Update: 10/14/21

School reopening Guidance - Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 10/13/21 -

MAAE does not have all of the answers. Our goal is to provide educators, administrators, and parents, with as much information as possible to help make reasonable decisions for their local situation.



Visual Arts

AEROSOL STUDY results listed at the top of the National Information heading. Posted 8/06/20
Missouri - DESE Webinar - Updated Safety Issues, contact tracing and reporting for decision-making. 9/9/20
UPDATED Missouri School Re-opening Guidance - (Aug 17, 2020) DESE - MO Dept of Elementary and Secondary Education.Frequently asked health related COVID-19 Questions Page 5 includes specifics about music classes (band and choir).
"MSBA Pandemic Recovery Considerations" Special note -Appendix B involves safety protocols and Appendix T of the MSBA document contains information specific to arts education classes. Important! Make sure that decision-makers have access to the most recent version. The earlier versions did not include appendix "T" in this MSBA document) This document is being updated periodically to reflect current research. New valuable insights from MO Teachers of the Year in app
MSHSAA Memo - Missouri State High School Activities Association - 2020-21 MSHSAA Guidelines and Recommendations for Opening Sports and Activities 7/15/20
INFORMATION ABOUT MEDICAL LEAVEQuestions have been raised about school district policies and potential limits on sick leave. Several eucation organizations have been working on this issue. Click here for more informationFAQs from Missouri NEA about workplace rights, Family First Corona Virus Leave, Family leave etc.From the MSTA Website about workplace protection and family leaveStaff Sick Leave PoliciesStaff sick leave policies are essential to easing the stress and anxiety felt by educators who may become sick or who have a person at higher risk from COVID-19 in their household.
  • Leave policies should include the process for educators to work virtually should they be required to stay at home, as well as other leave policies such as pooling personal/sick days so that staff can access days beyond their own accrual.
  • Teachers required to quarantine at home due to exposure in the classroom should not be required to use sick leave.

ST LOUIS COUNTY MASK GUIDELINES UPDATE - article - mandatory mask wearing - masks may be removed during choir and band if students are 6 feet apart.St. Louis Area - Return to Schools - from EdPlus, St. Louis County Department of Public Health , Independent schools of St. Louis -7/1/20St. Louis Summary Doc "Must do" and "May do"Guidance for school nurses - PPE and health - DHSS-MODESE Healthy at school toolkit
Comprehensive safety guidelines - Columbia Public Schools

Aerosol Studies pt1
Aerosol studies pt2
"Can't Touch This" - A Social Distancing Parody with Dr. Lee
OTHER STATE RE-OPENING GUIDES - these guides are provided as an additional resource
NAFME Updated Fall 2020 Re-opening Guide Updated on August 21, 2020 short article with link to full report
CDC-Schools and Childcare Programs - most current information from the CDC released 7/23/20CDC Considerations for K-12 Schools: Readiness and Planning Tool
**Part 3 of the University of Colorado -Boulder Aerosol Study 11/2020 -now available. NFHS - Second Round Slide Deck of Performing Arts Aerosol Study pdf format 44 slidesNFHS - Second Round of Performing Arts Aerosol Study Preliminary Results released 8/06/20Recommendations: 1. Mask performers AND instruments. 2. 6 x 6 spacing (6 x 9 for trombones) between performers 3. limit rehearsal time to 30 minutes (indoors) 4. Optimal air flow (air exchanged at least once (preferably 3 times) in rehearsal space between rehearsals. Use of HEPA filters strongly encouraged. If tents are used in an outdoor location they should be tall and have no sides. Outdoor rehearsals should include a 5 minute break every 30 minutes to allow aerosols to disperse. 5. Hygiene - emphasis on basic handwashing and cleaning/'sanitizing, spit valves should be emptied into "puppy pads" and discarded, not emptied on the floor. NFHS -Unprecedented International Coalition led by Performing Arts Organizations to Commission COVID-19 Study National Federation of State High School Associations - Considerations for reopening - landing page
University of Colorado-Boulder Aerosol Transmission Estimator - highly technical 8/11/20
Colorado State University Aerosol Study Information (and soon results) background information on the study and what it hopes to achieve. As soon as final reports are published they will also be available here.
Preliminary Results from Aerosol Study (University of Maryland)
Event Safety Alliance Inc. Re-opening Guide Considerations for opening performance venues (theatres ,concert halls, etc.)National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) - Guidance for opening High School Athletics and Activities
These 8 Basic Steps Will Let Us Reopen Schools July 10 article in the Atlantic by Thomas Frieden, Arne Duncan, and Margaret Spellings
Missouri Artsafe training: Information on training from the Missouri Artsafe coalition including Missouri Arts Council, Kranzberg Foundation and ArtsKC. - more info here Webinar for safety training
DHSS Reminds Schools to Flush Water LinesLead is a toxic heavy metal that is harmful if inhaled or swallowed, and is particularly dangerous for children. Because the developmental effects of lead toxicity may be permanent, prevention of lead exposure is key to assuring that children have the best chance at success. To minimize the potential for students and staff being exposed to lead in drinking water, the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) recommends implementing these preventative steps. If you have further questions about the health effects of lead, lead poisoning, prevention tips or testing your water for lead, please contact DHSS at or 573-751-6102.