
This page curated by: Dr. Jocelyn Stevens PrendergastLast Update: 9/12/20
Resources from Missouri Music Educators Association - our colleagues at MMEA have compiled comprehensive resources for various aspects of music education on their website.
Part 3 of the University of Colorado -Boulder Aerosol Study 11/2020 -now available.
8/23/20 - ST LOUIS COUNTY MASK GUIDELINES UPDATE - article - mandatory mask wearing - masks may be removed during choir and band if students are 6 feet apart.
VOCAL FATIGUE? view this Choralosophy Podcast Episode 42: Tips And Tricks for Vocal Health. Masked or Online. With Lori Sonnenberg
St. Louis Symphony Orchestra WorkshopsThe St. Louis Symphony Orchestra created a survey to see how they can best support us with virtual masterclasses for students and educators this year. Please fill it out at your earliest convenience: SLSO Online Workshop Survey

General Information

CU/UMD/CBDNA Aerosol Study Preliminary Results-(Clarinet, Flute, Horn, Soprano Singer, Trumpet)*
National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) - Guidance for opening High School Athletics and Activities
Aerosol information - Link to folder containing several aerosol studies and resources
NAfME COVID-19 Resources
Instrument Cleaning Guidelines *Preliminary results for singing and theatre are expected around July 25th. Guidance to be available shortly afterwards.Link to Slide Share covering results of CU Study- Link to Slide Deck Covering results of CU Aerosol Study You Tube Link for Aerosol Study

General Music

Stephanie Brueggemann - CuratorLast update 7/10/20


Check out this sample video created with teachers who work with young children in mind. It could help prepare students for meeting a teacher wearing a mask.


All Ensembles

NY State School Music Association - "The Future of Ensembles in a COVID-19 era"


High School Band Directors National Association - Official recommendation for the maintenance and continuation of band education in our nation's schools during COVID-19
CBDNA COVID-19 Response
NFSH-Guidance for a Return to High School Marching Band

Lezlie Waltz - curatorLast Update 8/9/20
CU Aerosol Study Results- Link to Slide Share covering results of CU Study- Link to Slide Deck Covering results of CU Aerosol Study You Tube Link for Aerosol Study
ACDA - American Choral Directors Association - COVID-19 Response Report
ACDA Pandemic Resources- Folder containing many resources

Professional Choral Collective Resources-Folder containing many resources
TMEA Choral Resource Collection TMEA resources with an ever growing list. Lots of options here. The site is moving to this address at a later date: tmea.org/resource-vocal
Western Division ACDA- Folder with multiple choral resources includes ready to go lessons!


ASTA-Resuming Instruction During COVID-19
NY Times 6/18/20-So you want to be a Socially Distanced Orchestra - String Repertoire for Small ensembles