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Daily Blog

Week 1

August 17, 2022

First day of school!! I am so happy that we are back in school and I get to see your happy faces. I am looking forward to this year. Today we discussed the classroom procedures, grades, expectations and guidelines to help keep us safe and happy. You can access that information here! I also handed out a syllabus that you are required to read then sign and return the last page only.

Theatre classroom procedures

August 18, 2022

Today was a great day. I assigned students a theatre book to use in class. We discussed where theatre began. People naturally tell stories about experiences they have in their life. Some of them are sad and scary, others are funny and exciting. As people tell stories or create stories based upon their life experiences plays are created. We even take books and create plays and movies. Plays are simply a live reenactment of a story. We add elements to plays to make them more interesting. Some of these elements include: costumes, settings, props, music, sound effects, lighting, and even dance. Theatre or drama is an art form that encompasses many art forms and subjects. We need people to design and make costumes. Some people build sets and paint them. Others are in charge of lighting, sound, music and sound effects. There are many opportunities in theatre, being an actor on stage is just a small part of it.

After we discussed theatre and the many jobs and skills that are a part of it, we talked about speaking. We opened up to page 94 in the book and read some tongue twisters and poems with alliteration. I had students work on speaking with good articulation and controlling their tempo of the poem. We had a few students stand in front of the class and recite one of the selections from the page.

Try saying the following poem quickly with good articulation:

A Flea and a Fly

A flea and a fly flew up in a flue.

Said the flea, "Let us fly!"

Said the fly, "Let us flee!"

So they flew through a flaw in the flue.

Search up other tongue twisters and practice good articulation and tempo. Have lots of fun, maybe you'll be able to find a friend to do it with you.

August 19, 2022

Today the students warmed up by playing zoom while I took roll. After we did an activity, "Two truths and a Lie", to get to know students. This gave them a chance to get up in front of the class and practice good speaking skills (clear, confident and loud). It also gave students listening a chance to practice their audience etiquette. So far we have found out some great information about those students who have already shared. We will finish up with the rest next week and then we plan on having a fun little remembering activity. The students who listened and remembered the most facts will get a reward!!

Week 2

August 22, 2022

In class we continued with the activity, "Two truths and a Lie", to get to know students. (This gave them a chance to get up in front of the class and practice good speaking skills clear, confident and loud). It also gave students listening a chance to practice their audience etiquette. We will listen to the last few students tomorrow and then we will have a fun quiz to see how well we know each other.

August 23, 2022

We finished up with the 2 truths and a lie. It was fun to get to know the students and give them a chance to get up in front of their peers. After that activity students learned about Plot and the 6 elements that make a story plot. Those elements are: Exposition (background and general information about characters), Conflict or Inciting Incident, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, and Conclusion or Denouement.