Story #015:
Ms. Casco-Lee

Ms. Casco-Lee, MS Spanish Teacher

Story by Mabel D. 

“After college, there is this weird time in your life when your friends aren’t available to you in the dorms or school. Instead, you have to go out and find friends which makes it much harder to connect.

Growing up, one of my biggest fears was performing in front of people. One time when I was at a concert with my Aunt, the band was looking for crowd participation and they picked me. I screamed, cried and threw a fit until they moved on and picked someone else. I never touched on it again until I moved to the United States of America at the age of 17 alone. 

I attended college in Chicago. After college, while I was looking for friends, I discovered the Old Town School of Folk Music and decided to start classes. I took dance classes and music lessons there. I loved the Old Town School of Music and wish that I could go back. I made many good friends that I still know today and I met my husband there. 

Over time my fear decreased and I became more comfortable with performing. I am forever grateful for everything that the Old Town School of Folk Music has done for me from teaching me to making friendships that will last a lifetime and making me more comfortable with myself,”