Story #002:
Austin J.

Austin J., 5th Grader
Story by Elizabeth G. 

"My name is Austin. I am in fifth grade. I think I am a very creative person and enjoy playing sports. I really like to play defense in hockey. I even recently won player of the game! As well as playing hockey, I also like to play soccer. A characteristic I like about myself and benefits me  in many ways is my athleticism because of the achievements I have had in hockey and soccer.

 I heard and liked a quote, “not all heroes wear capes,“ which means to me that fire fighters, and others are heroes because they save lives, but don't wear capes. I want to be a physicist, a scientist, or a builder because I love science and I love to build with Legos! Finally, jumping into a deeper topic, another thing I learned about Austin is he is a very empathetic person. “If there was one thing that I would do to change the world for the better, I would make more charities for homeless and poor people, because I don't like to see the people on the side of the road when I drive by.”