Story #008:
Jules P. 

Jules P., 6th Grader

Story by Kaelynne K. 

"I am in the 6th grade. I adore geckos, cats, and chameleons. In fact, I would live with all three of them if I had to choose. I also have a sister. My craziest story that we had together was when we were at our grandma’s house. I heard wind and rattling on the roof. I thought that it sounded like reindeer walking all over the top of my grandma’s house! Then, my sister told me that Santa was on the roof. I got so excited that I ran outside to check, but ended up discovering that roof tiles slid right off the rooftop. Another crazy story that I would like to share is one I had with my dad, also around Christmas time.  We got lost while looking for a Christmas tree in the woods! We were in my dad’s car, and my dad’s phone had died. We found their way out when we saw the sign back to civilization, but I will recommend to my dad to charge his phone if this ever happens again!

I have a lot of interesting facts about myself I would like to share with others. If I was going to eat one food for the rest of his life, I would choose ice cream. I chose this food because I love this sweet treat, and ice cream is my favorite food of all time. If I would rather have one million friends or a million dollar house, I’d choose the house. I would rather have the one million dollar house because I think that having one million friends is way too much work which I think a lot of people can agree on! If someone approached me and asked what I would do to change the world for the better, I’d say I would get rid of pollution. I want to get rid of this because I have heard that icecaps are melting, and snow in Colorado is melting quickly. Finally on a more serious note, if someone approached me and asked what I would do to change the world for the better, I’d say I would get rid of pollution. I want to get rid of this because I have heard that icecaps are melting, and snow in Colorado is melting quickly. We have to do something to stop it to preserve what we have."