Progressive Overload

What is Progressive Overload?

Progressive Overload is a term that describes when you should increase the amount of weight you should use during an exercise.

The term means that the body must adapt to the tension (weight) that was difficult for the person to lift previously. Once the body has it adapts, it needs more tension in order to increase muscular strength.

Why Should You Use It?

Using the Progressive Overload Method will increase and improve overall strength. If you do not increase the weight, you will not see any significant improvement in muscular strength or size over time.

How Do I Use It?

Once you are able to perform the same amount of repetitions for two sets in a row, your body is telling you that it is time to increase the amount of weight for that exercise. The repetitions should be towards the end of the set, and the hardest to perform.

The amount of weight that should be increased should be no more than 5% of that weight that you used.