getting started


We are so excited that you are participating in People with Possibility! Read on to get started and watch the video below to see what Mercy Corps team members have said about the experience. 

Note: The Mercy Corps team members in these photos aren't the ones who provided this anonymous feedback!


Use the menus above to find what you need: The Introduction below will explain a bit more of what People with Possibility is. Read about what you can expect, and what is expected of you on the What to Expect page. Frequently Asked Questions, including how groups should be formed, are found on the FAQs page. Also take the time to familiarize yourself with Practice Moments, the cornerstone of People with Possibility.


Make sure that you read and study Discussion Tips (also in the "Getting Started" menu) before you have your first session. They have been carefully tailored to help Mercy Corps managers lead their teams successfully through the People with Possibility sessions without being experts on the material. You will also find Reminder Emails which are templates you can send your team to help keep momentum going throughout the week. 



Key to our culture are tenets of innovation and agility, collaboration and curiosity. At Mercy Corps, leaders and managers are charged with setting direction, and enabling teams to chart their own course to reach it. 

By demonstrating to teams how to embody our culture through four simple practices, our managers will ensure culture runs through the veins of the organization. When all our teams “are not only open to new and better ways of doing things, [but] insist on seeking them out” we will deliver increased impact, greater innovation and more powerful influence. 

Our theory of change is that: If team members show they care deeply, build trust in and have more self awareness through using the four  practices, then teams will speak up, challenge each other ,and have a more inclusive, innovative and productive work environment.

We worked in partnership with Emma Proud and Shooksvensen, innovators in building people and teams, to develop the videos and discussions seen throughout People with Possibility.