Elyzabeth "Lissa" Underhill

Challenges Answered: Two Manuals Enter, One Paper Leaves! & Stretch That Comfort Zone

EK Wiki Page: https://wiki.eastkingdom.org/index.php?title=Elysabeth_Underhill

Laurel Expertise: Glass Beads & Documentation

Mudane Experience: Academic Research Librarian

Current A&S Interests: Historical Martial Arts Research & Practice (Italian Rapier)

Please know that I am always happy to teach my art or provide SCA mentoriship in the areas of research and writing documentation. Teaching in SCA is extremely important to me, so please do not hesitate to ask if you think I caIn help.

You can contact me via Facebook (Lissa Underhill) or through e-mail (137268@members.eastkingdom.org).

Hosting Drop-in Hours Monday the 24th:

6:00-7:00 PM

Lissa Underhill - Ask Lissa Anything; research, documentation, glass beads, and more!

Lissa is our former East Kingdom A&S Minister, former A&S Champion, and an academic librarian with a love of research. Come with your questions about research/documentation, A&S in general, or glass beads!


Meeting ID: 853 7646 1248

Passcode: 226261

Project #1: Two Manuals Enter, One Paper Leaves! & Stretch That Comfort Zone

In Which the 3rd guards of Capo Ferro and Giganti are compared: Or, why I like Giganti Better


My goal with this project was to work with the historic manuals that I have been reading as part of a pandemic study group, to learn more about the Northern Italian rapier system, which I have been taking classes in over the pandemic, and to explore what it means to do a deep dive into analyzing the techniques presented in historical fencing manuals. While I have been interesting in historical martial arts for a while, this represents the first time I have done a project that specifically focuses on technique, rather than the historical context surrounding fencing in the medieval period.

Note: Please read both the PowerPoint slides and the notes to the PowerPoint to experience the full project.

Project #2: Two Manuals Enter, One Paper Leaves!

The Changing Pedagogy of Medieval and Early Modern Fight Books


This project briefly examines the intellectual changes that occurred between the Medieval and Early Modern period that led to an alteration in the format and purpose of fighting manuals over time. Early manuals were influenced by the Scholastic Method, and the expectation that practice, memorization, and imitation of a master's work would lead one to achive mastery themselves. Early Modern manuals, on the other hand, used the scientific theories of their time to create a theoretical foundation for their art, and to argue for the ultimate "truth" and superiority of their methodology.