Agnes de Calais

Project: Recreation of a Spoken Word Moment

Movie on 5-6-21 at 6.57

I attempted to recreate an accurate spoken word moment with research into what extant based clothing, setting, props and text would look and sound like.

Full documentation:

Guðrún Sveinsdóttir (Rosie of Mtn Freehold) wrote on June 7th, 2021

This was so great to watch! I loved the authentic touches (the realization that the almonds should be ground, etc.) that you put in -- definitely made it seem more like stepping back in time. And you put so much thought into every aspect of this project -- wow! I hope you do more of these...and I hope you hear back from the museum about filming there!

Elizabet Marshall wrote on June 4th, 2021

Wow. That was fantastic, but now I need to know how the dish came out when it was ultimately done. You put a lot of thought and research into the piece and it shows.

Jan Janowicz Bogdanski wrote on June 1st, 2021

I loved this "moment"! You showed the amount of thought and detail that needs to go into a seemingly "off-hand" comment.

Peregrine the Illuminator wrote on May 29th, 2021

Thank you for the breadth and detail of your research. You shine a light on just how many different aspects there can be to a period performance. I love that you speak of the authenticity of your juniper tree to the time and place you are recreating. Your performance of the recipe works well - with the little asides about the almonds and the saffron, and the mild frustration that the almonds are not yet ground, the veal not quite right. I note that my modern "wash hands after touching meat" brain had to be disengaged during the performance, or I would be focused on each place your hand went after touching the raw meat... Congratulations on bringing together an accurate moment - and I look forward to what you do next as you pursue the various threads of your research.

Isabel del Okes wrote on May 24th, 2021

You put so much thought into this and it shows in the presentation. So good!!

Hugoline the Delicate wrote on May 24th, 2021

I loved this, and was sad when it ended. Your delivery was wonderful, and you did a excellent job of creating a period moment in time.

Roibeard mac Neill wrote on May 24th, 2021

I loved every minute of this...I could have listened to such for hours! Thank you!

Tasha Medvedeva wrote on May 24th, 2021

This was SO COOL! I really enjoyed it. Well done.