Horticulture - Quarter 3

Week 1- January 26-29 - Horticulture Introduction

Topics & Essential Questions

    • Greenhouse, High tunnel, Welcome & FFA & SAE

      • Essential Questions:

      1. What types of greenhouse facilities do we have here at Medford Area Senior High?

      2. When will be using each of the facilities throughout the semester?

      3. What ways will be utilizing the school barn facility in this class?

    • Horticulture Careers & Personal Resume

      • Essential Questions:

      1. What careers are in the horticulture industry?

      2. How do I compose a resume to fit my personal accomplishments?

"I can" Statements:

  1. I can identify common careers that are in the Horticulture industry

  2. I can develop a personal resume.

  3. I can develop a plant production schedule based on the needs of Horticulture class


  • PS3.b.12.h: Prepare and implement a plant production schedule based on predicted environmental conditions.

  • PS3.b.14.h: Explain the reasons for controlling plant growth.

  • PS3.d.3.h: Prepare and implement a plan for an agricultural enterprise that involves practices in support of sustainable agriculture.

  • PS5.a.3.h: Compare and contrast various plant growing systems including, but not limited to greenhouse, hydroponics, and aquaponics.

Week 2- February 1-5 - Taxonomy & Seed Planting

Topics & Essential Questions

    • Taxonomy

      • Essential Questions:

      1. How are plants organized and named?

      2. Why are scientific plant names used?

      3. What are some examples of common and scientific names of plants?

    • Planting Seeds

      • Essential Questions:

      1. How deep and wide apart do you plant seeds?

      2. How do you prepare a container for planting seeds?

      3. How do I properly label containers for planting?

"I can" Statements:

  1. I can plant a variety of seeds and follow species specific depth and spacing requirements.

  2. I can identify common and scientific names of common plants.


  • PS1.a.7.h: Classify agricultural plants according to the hierarchical classification system, life cycles, plant use and as monocotyledons or dicotyledons.

  • PS1.a.8.h: Describe the morphological characteristics used to identify agricultural plants.

  • PS1.a.9.h: Identify agriculturally important plants by scientific names.

  • PS.2.b.6.h: Formulate and prepare growing media for specific plants or crops.

Week 3 - February 8-12 - Holiday Plants

Topics & Essential Questions

    • Holiday Plants - Fall-Chrysanthemums & Winter-Wreaths, Centerpieces & Valentine's Day!

      • Essential Questions:

      1. How long in advance do you have to plant and grow mums and poinsettias?

      2. How do you select flowers for specific holiday's?

"I can" Statements:

  1. I can develop a growth schedule for fall chrysanthemums and winter poinsettias.

  2. I can organize an aesthetically pleasing center piece.

  3. I can create a Valentie's day floral arrangement.


  • PS1.b.14.h: Identify the different types of flowers and flower forms and apply the knowledge of flower structures to plant breeding, production, and use.

  • PS2.a.6.h: Describe plant responses to light color, intensity and duration.

  • PS2.a.7.h: Evaluate plant responses to varied light color, intensity and duration.

Week 4- February 15-19 -Plant Science & Greenhouse Management

Topics & Essential Questions

    • Plant Parts & Growth Requirements

      • Essential Questions:

      1. What are the four main parts of plants?

      2. What is photosynthesis and pollination?

      3. How is a monocotyledon and dicotyledon seeds different?

      4. What 4 factors affect the roots of plants?

      5. What 4 above ground requirements are needed for good plant growth?

      6. What substance stimulates and/or slows plant growth?

      7. Why do horticulturalists use chemical hormones?

    • Greenhouse Management

      • Essential Questions:

      1. How do plants show that they are thriving in their environment?

      2. How do you modify environmental conditions to improve management of greenhouse crops?

"I can" Statements:

  1. I can identify the common parts of monocot and dicot plants.

  2. I can explain the process and purpose of photosynthesis and pollination.

  3. I can identify above and below ground requirements for plants.

  4. I can measure the soil pH.


  • PS1.a.7.h: Classify agricultural plants according to the hierarchical classification system, life cycles, plant use and as monocotyledons or dicotyledons.

  • PS2.a.8.h: Design, implement and evaluate a plan to maintain optimal conditions for plant growth.

  • PS2.b.5.h: Describe the physical characteristics of growing media and explain the influence they have on plant growth.

  • PS1.d.5.h: Define primary growth and the role of the apical meristem.

  • PS1.d.6.h: Explain the process of secondary plant growth.

  • PS2.c.7.h: Describe nutrient deficiency symptoms, recognize environmental cause of nutrient deficiencies and prepare a scouting report.

  • PS2.c.8.h: Discuss the influence of pH and cation exchange capacity on the availability of nutrients.

Week 5 -February 22-26 - Indoor Plant ID

Topics & Essential Questions

    • Indoor Plants

      • Essential Questions:

      1. What are common indoor plants?

      2. What are the common and scientific names of indoor plants?

"I can" Statements:

  1. I can identify common house hold plants by common or scientific name.


  • PS1.a.7.h: Classify agricultural plants according to hierarchical classification system, life cycles, plant use or as monocotyledons or dicotyledons.

  • PS1.a.9.h: Identify agriculturally important plants by scientific names.

Week 6- March 1-5 -Plant Experiments

Topics & Essential Questions

    • Plant Experiments

      • Essential Questions:

      1. How do scientists experiment with plants for research purposes?

"I can" Statements:

  1. I can develop a scientific plant experiment.

Standards (Students projects are independent and vary which standards they support)

  • PS1.d.9.h: Identify the plant responses to plant growth regulators and different forms of tropism.

  • PS1.d.10.h: Select plant growth regulators to produce desired responses from plants.

  • PS2.b.8.h: Discuss how soil drainage and water-holding capacity can be improved.

  • PS2.c.9.h: Contrast pH and cation exchange capacity between mineral and soil and soil-less growing media.

  • PS2.c.10.h: Determine the nutrient content of soil using appropriate laboratory procedures and prescribe fertilization based on results.

  • PS3.b.5.h: Demonstrate proper techniques to control and manage plant growth through mechanical, cultural, or chemical means.

Week 7 - March 8-12 - Propagation & Transplanting of Plants

Topics & Essential Questions

    • Propagation - Seeds, Cuttings, Separation, Division, Grafting, Budding, Layering

      • Essential Questions:

      1. What ways can plants be propagated?

"I can" Statements:

  1. I can identify how to propagate a specific variety of plant.

  2. I can demonstrate how to graft an apple tree.

  3. I can reproduce plants with tissue culture propagation method.


  • PS1.b.14.h: Identify the different types of flowers and flower forms and apply the knowledge of flower structures to plant breeding, production and use.

  • PS3.a.9.h: Demonstrate proper procedures in budding or grafting selected materials.

  • PS3.a.10.h: Evaluate asexual propagation practices based on productivity and deficiency.

  • PS3.a.11.h: Define micro propagation, discuss advantages associated with the practice and outline the four main stages of the process.

  • PS3.a.12.h: Propagate plants by micro propagation using aseptic techniques.

  • PS3.b.10.h: Inspect propagation material for evidence of pests or disease.

  • PS3.b.11.h: Produce pest- and disease-free propagation material.

Week 8 - March 15-19 - Plugs & Succulents

Topics & Essential Questions

    • Plant Plugs & Succulents

      • Essential Questions:

      1. Why do plugs help speed up the growing process for our school?

      2. What environmental requirements to succulents prefer?

"I can" Statements:

  1. I can properly transplant plugs into growing media for a plant sale.

  2. I can list the environmental requirements for succulent plants.


  • PS1.a.7.h: Classify agricultural plants according to hierarchical classification system, life cycles, plant use or as monocotyledons or dicotyledons.

  • PS1.a.9.h: Identify agriculturally important plants by scientific names.

  • PS3.b.16.h: Create and implement a plan to control and manage plant growth.

  • ABS1.b.3.h: Demonstrate entrepreneurship, including idea generation, opportunity analysis and risk assessment.

  • ABS2.a.6.h: Identify components of business plans and demonstrate how to write such components using SMART formula.

  • ABS2.a.6.h: Prepare and critique AFNR business plans.

Week 9: March 22-26 -Integrated Pest Management

Topics & Essential Questions

    • IPM

      • Essential Questions:

      1. What is biological control of pests?

      2. What common insects have been controlled with out man-made chemicals?

      3. What common insects are controlled by man-made chemicals?

"I can" Statements:

  1. I can identify common pests and draft a protocol to aid in the removal of the pests.

  2. I can identify man-made and natural options to control pests.


  • PS3.c.8.h: Predict pest and disease problems based on environmental conditions and life cycles.

  • PS3.c.9.h: Describe pest control strategies associated with integrated pest management.

  • PS3.c.10.h: Describe types of pesticide controls and formulations.

  • PS3.c.11.h: Employ pest management strategies to manage pest populations, assess the effectiveness of the plan and adjust the plan as needed.

  • PS3.c.12.h: Explain risks and the benefits associated with the materials and methods used in plant pest management.

  • PS3.c.13.h: Explain procedures for the safe handling, use and storage of pesticides.

  • PS3.c.14.h: Evaluate environmental and consumer concerns regarding pest management strategies.

(Spring Break) Week 10: March 29- April 2 - High tunnel Prep & Planting 1st Spot

Topics & Essential Questions

    • High Tunnel Planting

      • Essential Questions:

      1. What crops should be planted in the high tunnel spot 1?

      2. How do you organize the crops next to each other in the house?

"I can" Statements:

  1. I can plant seeds inside the high-tunnel spot 1.

  2. I can identify which plants can be planted in the cool early season.


  • PS1.b.14.h: Identify the different types of flowers and flower forms and apply the knowledge of flower structures to plant breeding, production and use.

  • PS2.a.8.h: Design, implement and evaluate a plan to maintain optimal conditions for plant growth.

  • PS2.b.7.h: Identify the categories of soil water.

  • PS2.b.8.h: Discuss how soil drainage and water-holding capacity can be improved.