Forestry Quarter 3

Week 1: January 26-29 - Introductions

Topics & Essential Questions

  • SAE and Forestry Careers

    • Essential Questions:

    1. What are the advantages of having an SAE?

    2. What are three major careers in the Forestry Industry?

"I can" Statements:

  1. "I can" develop my own SAE

  2. "I can" name three major careers in the Forestry Industry


Week 2: February 1-5- Intro to Forestry and North American Forest Regions

Topics & Essential Questions

  • Forest Regions

    • Essential Questions:

    1. What are some natural functions of a forest that affect its biological value?

    2. In what ways do forest environments contribute to stable populations of wild animals?

    3. How can we distinguish between renewable resources and non renewable resources?

    4. What are the major uses of forest resources in the United States?

    5. What is the multiple-use concept of management for public lands?

"I can" Statements:

  1. "I can" suggest some natural functions of a forest that affect its biological value.

  2. "I can" identify ways that forest environments contribute to stable populations of wild animals.

  3. "I can" distinguish between renewable resources and non renewable resources.

  4. "I can" account for the major uses of forest resources in the United States.

  5. "I can" explain the multiple-use concept of management for public lands.

  • North American Forest Regions

    • Essential Questions:

    1. What are the regional forests of North America?

    2. What is the principle of biological succession?

    3. What are the distinguishing features among trees classified as conifers, deciduous, and evergreen?

    4. Why is it important to harvest trees in a timely manner once they become mature?

"I can" Statements:

  1. "I can" name the regional forests of North America.

  2. "I can" explain the principle of biological succession.

  3. "I can" describe the distinguishing features among trees classified as conifers, deciduous, and evergreen.

  4. "I can" explain why it is important to harvest trees in a timely manner once they become mature.


  • NRS.01.01.01.a Summarize and classify the different kinds of natural resources using common classification schemes (e.g., living versus non-living, renewable versus nonrenewable, native versus introduced, etc).

  • NRS.01.01.02.a. Summarize the components that comprise all ecosystems.

  • NRS.01.01.02.b. Analyze the interdependence of organisms within an ecosystem (e.g., food webs, niches, impact of keystone species, etc.) and assess the dependence of organisms on nonliving components (climate, geography, energy flow, nutrient cycling, etc.).

  • NRS.01.05.01.a. Research and describe the stages of ecological succession.

  • NRS.01.05.01.c. Evaluate the stages of succession present in an ecosystem and predict which species will become prevalent through future stages of succession.

Forest Management

Week 3: February 8-12- Silviculture

Topics & Essential Questions

  • Silviculture

    • Essential Questions:

    1. What is the definition of silviculture?

    2. What are some important silviculture management practices?

    3. What are the advantages of direct seeding or planting seedlings in comparison with natural methods for regenerating forests?

    4. What are the steps that should be followed in transplanting a tree seedling?

    5. What are the characteristics of the different growth stages of trees such as seedling, sapling, pole, and mature tree?

    6. Why is it important to control populations of rodents, especially during the seedling and sapling stages of tree development?

    7. What are some silviculture practices that are used to improve the growth and quality of trees?

"I can" Statements:

  1. "I can" define silviculture.

  2. "I can" name some important silviculture management practices.

  3. "I can" describe the advantages of direct seeding or planting seedlings in comparison with natural methods for regenerating forests.

  4. "I can" identify the steps that should be followed when transplanting a tree seedling.

  5. "I can" identify the characteristics of the different growth stages of trees such as seedling, sapling, pole, and mature tree.

  6. "I can" explain why it is important to control populations of rodents, especially during the seedling and sapling stages of tree development.

  7. "I can" explain silviculture practices that are used to improve the growth and quality of trees.


Week 4: Feb. 15-17- Fire in the Forest

Topics & Essential Questions

  • Fire in the Forest

    • Essential Questions:

    1. In what ways is fire both beneficial and destructive to forests?

    2. What are the three key elements that must be present for a fire to occur?

    3. What are the differences between surface, ground, and crown fires?

    4. What are the major causes of destructive forest fires?

    5. What are the effects of wildfires on forests and forest environments?

    6. In what ways are prescribed burns used to improve the health of forests?

    7. What are the past and present efforts of government and industry to prevent destructive fires in the forests?

"I can" Statements:

  1. "I can" describe ways that fire is both beneficial and destructive to forests.

  2. "I can" identify three key elements that must be present for a fire to occur.

  3. "I can" analyze the differences that exist among surface, ground, and crown fires.

  4. "I can" list the major causes of destructive forest fires.

  5. "I can" explain the effects of wildfires on forests and forest environments.

  6. "I can" discuss ways that prescribed burns may be used to improve the health of forests.

  7. "I can" evaluate past and present efforts of government and industry to prevent destructive fires in the forest.


  • NRS.04.04.01.a. Differentiate between between desirable and undesirable fires and research the role fire plays in a healthy ecosystem.

  • NRS.04.04.01.b. Assess and apply techniques used to fight wildfires, manage prescribed fires and ensure human safety.

  • NRS.04.04.01.c. Develop a prevention plan for harmful fires for a particular region.

  • NRS.04.04.02.a. Research and summarize how fire management techniques have evolved.

  • NRS.04.04.02.b. Assess the effectiveness of techniques previously and currently used to prevent harmful fires.

  • NRS.04.04.02.c. Anticipate and predict how fire management techniques will evolve in the future.

Week 5: Feb. 22-26- Wildlife in the Forest

Topics & Essential Questions

  • Wildlife in the Forest

    • Essential Questions:

    1. What are the basic needs of plants and animals living in the forest?

    2. What are three biomes in North America that encompass most forest environments?

    3. What are the differences between a lotic habitat versus a lentic habitat?

    4. What is the definition of symbiosis, mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism?

"I can" Statements:

  1. Identify the basic needs of plants and animals living in the forest.

  2. Describe the three biomes in North America that encompasses most forest environments.

  3. Contrast the features of a lotic habitat versus a lentic habitat.

  4. Define symbiosis, mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism.


  • NRS.01.02.03.a. Research and examine the characteristics used to identify wildlife and insects.

  • NRS.01.02.03.b. Apply identification techniques to determine the species of wildlife or insects.

  • NRS.01.02.03.c. Evaluate the species of wildlife and insects present to assess the health of an ecosystem.

  • NRS.01.02.04.a. Research and examine the characteristics used to identify aquatic species.

  • NRS.01.02.04.b. Apply identification techniques to determine the species of an aquatic organism.

  • NRS.01.02.04.c. Evaluate the aquatic species present to assess the health of an ecosystem.

Week 6: March 1-5- Water Quality and Watershed Management

Topics & Essential Questions

  • Watershed quality and watershed management

    • Essential Questions:

    1. What is the relationship that exists between healthy watersheds and sustainable forests?

    2. What are the basic elements of the hydrologic cycle?

    3. What is the difference between infiltration and permeability?

    4. What is the difference between point-source pollution and non-point source pollution?

    5. What are the problems associated with sediment as it relates to water pollution?

    6. What is the importance of water quality standards to the improvement of water quality?

    7. What are some examples of beneficial uses or classes for water resources?

    8. What are some of the procedures that have been developed for the purpose of reclaiming polluted water?

"I can" Statements:

  1. Explain the relationships that exist between healthy watersheds and sustainable forests.

  2. Illustrate the basic elements of the hydrologic cycle.

  3. Distinguish between infiltration and permeability.

  4. explain the difference between point-source pollution and non-point source pollution.

  5. Describe the problems associated with sediment as it relates to water pollution.

  6. Relate the importance of water quality standards to improvement of water quality.

  7. Give some examples of beneficial uses or classes for water resources.

  8. List some procedures that have been developed for the purpose of reclaiming polluted water.


  • ESS.05.02.01.a. Research and summarize methods used to determine water quality (e.g., dissolved oxygen, chemical tests, macro-invertebrates, etc.) and determine if a source of water has been contaminated.

  • ESS.05.02.01.c. Evaluate a sample of water to determine its quality and if it has been contaminated.

  • NRS.01.04.01.a. Summarize the roles and properties of watersheds.

  • NRS.01.04.01.b. Assess the function of watersheds and their effect on natural resources.

  • NRS.01.04.02.a. Examine and describe the importance of groundwater and surface water to natural resources.

  • NRS.01.04.02.c. Devise and apply strategies to manage, protect, enhance or improve sources of groundwater or surface water based on its properties.

  • NRS.01.04.03.a. Compare and contrast riparian zones and riparian buffers based on their function.

  • NRS. 01.04.03.b. Assess techniques used in the creation, enhancement and management of riparian zones and riparian buffers.

Week 7: March 8-12- Role of the Government & Measurement of Forest Resources

Topics & Essential Questions

  • The Role of the Government in Forestry

    • Essential Questions:

    1. What are the roles hat government played in forest management in early history?

    2. What was the impact of the Homestead Act on native American forests?

    3. What was the main purpose of the Timber Culture Act of 1873?

    4. What are the two philosophies that influence the forest planning in the United States?

    5. What are the two federal departments that are responsible for managing most of our forest resources?

    6. How did the Forest Reserve Act of 1891 change the way forest resources were administered?

    7. How were the national forests, monuments, and parks established?

    8. What differences are most likely to occur in the ways that national, state, and privately owned forests are managed?

"I can" Statements:

  1. Relate the early history of the roles that government played in forest management.

  2. Describe the impact of the Homestead Act on native American forests.

  3. Identify the main purpose of the Timber Culture Act of 1873.

  4. Express the two philosophies that influence forest planning in the United States.

  5. Name the two federal departments that are responsible for managing most of our resources.

  6. Describe how the Forest Reserve Act of 1891 changed the way forest resources were administered.

  7. Explain how the national forests, monuments, and national parks were established.

  8. Discuss some differences that are likely to occur in the ways that national, state, and privately owned forests are managed.


  • NRS.02.01.01.a. Distinguish between types of laws associated with natural resources systems.

  • NRS.02.01.01.b. Analyze the structure of laws associated with natural resources systems.

  • NRS.02.01.01.c. Evaluate the impact of laws associated with natural resources systems (e.g., mitigation, water regulations, carbon emissions, game limits, invasive species, etc.).

  • NRS.02.01.01.a. Distinguish between the types of agencies associated with natural resources systems.

  • NRS.02.01.02.b. Analyze the specific purposes of agencies associated with natural resources systems.

  • NRS.02.01.02. Evaluate the impact and effectiveness of agencies associated with natural resources systems (e.g., regulation of consumption, prevention of damage to natural resources system, management of ecological interactions, etc).

Topics & Essential Questions

  • Measurement of Forest Resources

    • Essential Questions:

    1. What information is needed to develop a long-term forest management plan based on sustained yields?

    2. What are the features of the two types of land surveys used in the United States?

    3. What is the relationship of baselines and principal meridians to the initial point location from which each rectangular survey begins?

    4. How are instruments such as the stereoscope and planimeter used in preparing a forest type map?

    5. What are some tools used to estimate the diameter and height of a standing tree and explain how each tool is used.

    6. What is the role of a timber cruiser?

    7. What is the formula for measuring forest growth?

    8. What is the most commonly used methods for scaling logs?

"I can" Statements:

  1. Identify the types of information needed to develop a long-term forest management plan based on sustained yields.

  2. Describe the features of the two types of land surveys used in the United States.

  3. Explain the relationship of baselines and principal meridians to the initial point location from which each rectangular survey begins.

  4. Explain how instruments such as the stereoscope and planimeter are used in preparing a forest type map.

  5. Name some tools used to estimate the diameter and height of a standing tree and explain how each tool is used.

  6. Define the role of a timber cruiser.

  7. Explain the formula for measuring forest growth and describe each of the formula's components.

  8. Describe the most commonly used methods for scaling logs.


Week 8: March 15-19- Sap/ Maple Syrup

Topics & Essential Questions

  • Sap/Maple Syrup

    • Essential Questions:

  1. What trees can we collect sap from?

  2. What is the process in which sap is collected?

  3. How is sap turned into syrup?

  4. What is the preserving process for syrup?

"I can" Statements:

  1. "I can" Identify the trees that we can collect sap from.

  2. "I can" Explain the processes that are used in collecting sap.

  3. "I can" Describe how sap is turned into syrup.

  4. "I can" Explain the preserving process for syrup.


Week 9: March 22-26- Harvest and Reforestation

Topics & Essential Questions

  • Harvest and Reforestation

    • Essential Questions:

    1. What are the factors that influence decisions affecting timber harvests?

    2. What are the important components of a timber harvest plan?

    3. What are the harvest methods leading to even-aged and uneven-aged forests?

    4. How does the planned method of forest regeneration affect the selection of a harvest method?

    5. What are the steps involved in harvesting timber?

    6. What is salvage logging?

    7. What are some methods used to minimize litigation related to timber harvests?

"I can" Statements:

  1. Identify factors that influence decisions affecting timber harvests.

  2. Describe some important components of a timber harvest plan.

  3. Distinguish between harvest methods leading to even-aged and uneven-aged forests.

  4. Explain how the planned method of forest regeneration affects the selection of a harvest method.

  5. List and explain each step involved in harvesting timber.

  6. Evaluate the practice of salvage logging.

  7. Describe some methods used to minimize litigation related to timber harvests.


  • NRS.03.01.01.a. Summarize forest harvesting methods.

  • NRS.03.01.01.b. Assess harvesting methods in regards to their economic value, environmental impact, and other factors.

  • NRS.03.01.01.c. Develop a forest harvesting plan that ensures economic, environmental and social sustainability.

  • NRS.04.01.02.a. Identify and categorize characteristics of a healthy forest.

  • NRS.04.01.02.b. Assess and apply the methods used to improve a forest stand.

  • NRS.04.01.2.c. Create a timber stand improvement plan for a forest.

Spring Break March 29-April 5th